TES Skyrim SE 0.320

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

If you finish digging names of textures/samplers from shaders and optional techniques, please let me know.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

Nice to see you keep updating the SSE binaries from time to time, thanks for that.

Small request:
Can we get the bIgnoreCreationKit settings back in enblocal.ini like with Oldrim ?

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

I have no idea where creation kit is and what name of it's executable to block it
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

ENBSeries wrote:and in old skyrim i can do this, in new very much doubt that.
So that pointlighting, like torches, cast light on the grass? That would be awesome. Thanks for all your work, you make a lot of people very happy.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

ENBSeries wrote:I have no idea where creation kit is and what name of it's executable to block it
"Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\CreationKit.exe"
The same file name as classic Skyrim, I think. You can only download it using the "Bethesda Launcher" available on bethesda.net.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

Thanks, done, will be available in next update

In old skyrim i can try capture lights and then apply them if deferred mode is enabled, but need to mask grass first to not make lights doubled by intensity where they don't need to be applied. Or to grab from previous frame and they will be delayed, then apply to each grass individually.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

ENBSeries wrote:ousnius

In old skyrim i can try capture lights and then apply them if deferred mode is enabled, but need to mask grass first to not make lights doubled by intensity where they don't need to be applied. Or to grab from previous frame and they will be delayed, then apply to each grass individually.
Well if you find the time and inspiration, it would be another milestone in the already insane gfx options :)
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

https://mega.nz/#!ln5AkJzK!8SHyHlZaf5xO ... G0XpbeQ74c

This should have 99% of the names I can extract. BSLightingShader samplers/ImageSpace are not included.

- Bethesda removed GetSamplerName() for lighting, so I need to debug each one by hand. I'll have those later today or tomorrow.
- Sometimes this happens:

Code: Select all

// RunGrass
cbuffer PerTechnique : register(b2)
	float4x4 WorldViewProj                       : packoffset(c0);      // @ 0 - 0x0000 << Good
	float4 padding                               : packoffset(c0);      // @ 0 - 0x0000 << Bad

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

Thank you, much appreciated.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

Here's the lighting samplers:

Code: Select all

0: DiffuseSampler                                       (Same as Skyrim)
1: NormalSampler                                        (Same as Skyrim)
2: SpecularSampler                                      (Same as Skyrim)
3: HeightSampler                                        (Same as Skyrim)
4: EnvSampler                                           (Same as Skyrim)
5: EnvMaskSampler                                       (Same as Skyrim)
6: GlowSampler                                          (Same as Skyrim)

7:  "MaterialLandscape: normal map"                     (???)
8:  MultiLayerParallaxSampler                           (Skyrim 14 -> SSE 8)
9:  BackLightMaskSampler                                (Skyrim 15 -> SSE 9)
10: ProjectedNormalDetailSampler                        (???)                 ProjectedNormalDetail.dds
11: ProjectedNoiseSampler                               (Skyrim 18 -> SSE 11)
12: SubSurfaceSampler OR WorldMapOverlayNormalSampler   (Skyrim 9  -> SSE 12) WorldMapOverlay_n.dds -- "MaterialFacegen: sub surface tint map"
13: WorldMapOverlayNormalSnowSampler OR LODBlendSampler (Skyrim 20 -> SSE 13) WorldMapOverlaySnow_n.dds -- "MaterialLandscape: LOD blend map"
14: ShadowMaskSampler                                   (Skyrim 17 -> SSE 14)
15: LODNoiseSampler                                     (Skyrim 12 -> SSE 15)
#7-15 are not consistent. D3D11.0 only allows 16 samplers and the developers had to use the same sampler more than once (with different textures). It's based on the technique/define flags - I'm not sure what you want to do with that. I can try to parse it, but there will be errors.

Also, do you have better names for #7/10/13? I made them up.

shader dl link
code used

Let me know if there are problems.
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