TES Skyrim 0.113

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Bhabha wrote:
Vond wrote: .. Wow, that was surprisingly simple. Works perfectly now. Thanks.
I'm sorry, but what was the solution to this? I can't use Dxtory with the wrapper version either. And I kind of need to record stuff for my trailer right :) I'm not using afterburner, actually, I have no clue what it is :D
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Hey, I was curious about "ShadowCastersFix" under Detailed Shadows. It's false by default... what is it?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

I want to report some bugs.

I haven't play Skyrim much after using 113. But once, I get a glitch where the sunrays cast during night yesterday. It use the moons, at early night it use the smaller white moon as the center of the sunrays, then the big red moon. And during the day, there's no sunrays. I think the location swapped.

I notice the fogcolor setting in enbseries.ini, sometimes it doesn't work and stuck. It return to default setting every time I load a savegame. It makes the objects behind the fog became complete white.

Many times fogcolor doesn't offer any changes or respond anything when I edit it (using ALT-TAB). Sometimes it works, but not many.

This is my enb mod:
Last edited by Celebriton on 01 Jun 2012, 09:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Thanks for the update.

I'm getting worse performance with this release over .112 or .111. More stuttering and a decrease in FPS. Even at night. Is the because of the new sunrays feature? Also CTD everytime I alt tab out. I never had these crashes with any other ENB release. It makes .ini tweaking a real chore.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

I also want to report another bug.

I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I notice the fog since 110 is different than in 102 and vanilla. It less thick as it should be. Try using Shift+F12 to see the different between ENB 113 and vanilla.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

ShadowCastersFix is default set to false, because users absolutely non adequate and complaining about this. This parameter (if set to true) allow to cast shadows from objects like mountains, for example in nord village when sun raise up, nearest mountain do not produce shadow.

I don't know about fog, several users told about this problem, but i can't see myself, so impossible to fix. Different looking fog is also unknown/invisible for me.
Bug with sun or moons as source of sun rays also not on my config, may be some mods installed do changes to the sun and moons or they are different in some game areas? I'm on the Steam latest version and tested everywhere i can, works only for the sun.

Performance issues are ignored by me, i can't optimize in each version and sun rays are not for free.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7


Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

i've discovered new version yesterday, my compliments and regards for applying beautiful sun rays in skyrim. it's looking frigin cool, tho it comes with some performance costs for me. Anyways, here are my two shots.


cheers =3

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

@Kalicola : Latest version of Bandicam works for me.

@Celebriton To apply fog changes, open the map (M key).
Opethfeldt ENB v7


Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

thanks Boris for this last good upgrade!! works great!! (0.113 added with 12.6 CCC beta i gained performance this time!! :o )
here some shoots (compared to my vanilla) after little edit on .ini
now the colors for nighttime are better than ever, thanks again... marvellous work!!

if possible, in totally innocence, i'll just say some "suggestions" (i could be wrong):

1- its possible to make that "SunRaysMultiplier=" scale up with weather?
in a foggy day it would be an high value, and in a clean day, low... i think it will be more realistic, maybe...
2- sunrays are visible 100% if u watch directly to the sun, and they decrease their visibility gradually to 0% if u turn the camera of 90° degrees away from the sun point:
wouldn't be better if sunrays were visible also if the sun are at your back? it could be more realistic? :?
maybe setting like: multiplier0°, multiplier60°, multiplier120° and multiplier180° .... or maybe i'm just talking crazy :lol:

btw this are just ideas...

edit: cant set image inside a spoiler :? sorry

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Finally I found the source of the problem of the fog and sunrays during night! That because of I haven't patched my Skyrim to latest version. No wonder other mods didn't work well too. Several weeks ago, I reinstalled my Skyrim because of problem. I thought I already patched it at the time, but turn out it didn't. Stupid me!

Btw, I have another question. I read this:
".........only with ENBSeries you can attach one by one unlimited number of proxy libraries........."

Unlimited number of proxy libraries......this is very interesting! I do saw some ENB mod with two d3d9_xxx.dlls. I tried following other ENB mod do, by using enbpatch.ini to chain the third d3d9_xxx.dll, as the second d3d9_xxx.dll chained using enbseries.ini as usual, but it doesn't work with ENB 113. I wonder if I did something wrong? Is there any other way for unlimited number of proxy libraries?
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