TES Skyrim SE 0.330

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.330

ENBSeries wrote:You mean to add it to shader as code in default preset as standard?

EDIT: according to the code, if values of Params01[5].x,y,z,w are not zero, then its khajiit or vampire vision activated. But for simplicity .w component is enough for this detection.
Thanks Boris, forgive the amateur question. Should it be calibrated in some way ? The night eye effect for Oldrim made by Scegielski required calibration and I saw only one preset for SSE with the working Night eye, The Truth ENB, which also requires it.
Rudy ENB for Skyrim, Skyrim SE, for Fallout New Vegas, for Dragon's Dogma

English is not my native language.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.330

That math is just for mixing original color of scene with night eye processed color. Some other shader code do processing of color and you need to copy it to main shader too or replace by your own version. Dont think its any kind of calibration.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.330

Folks, what do you thin about this: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5830
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.330

ENBSeries wrote:Folks, what do you thin about this: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5830
https://gizmodo.com/skyrim-vr-is-everyt ... 1820981227

This article touches on some of my feelings about this type of "virtual reality."

Basically, that everyone is looking for the next big breakthrough that will finally see us seamlessly immersed in a compelling virtual environment offering an escape from the tedium of our lives full of too many problems we would rather escape than deal with and try to solve. In a nutshell however, THE TECH ISN'T THERE YET.

When it comes to digital immersion and anything I feel could be honestly deemed "virtual reality," we are talking about a monumental advance that allows the body and the brain to interact with technology in a more direct way, more akin to a nervous system link then a monitor strapped to your face. That technology is DECADES away and requires much thinking about how to deal with things like automation and projected 50% unemployment by 2050, how to create a universal wage that is sustainable, so that people can actually afford and USE the technology, which will make them want to spend less and less time in the "real world" solving these sort of problems.

The whole idea of the visor fad is flawed. Nobody bothered to point out to the developers that between 18-20% of people CAN'T EVEN SEE conventional 3D. That is investing in a particular device that alienates up to 1/5th of your potential consumer base out the gate? Yeah, that is a TERRIBLE investment.

Also, the gimmicky joysticks and cumbersome gestures and other devices necessary to translate input into immersion TAKE AWAY more from the gaming experience than they add. Developers have to spend so much time fine tuning these gimmicks to a fleeting and proprietary technology that the budget for actual quality content suffers. In exchange the results generally end up feeling unnatural and breaks immersion more than a mouse and keyboard.

The whole VR craze is little more than a fad at this point as I see it. Perhaps it might see some niche market for people with specific disabilities, carpal tunnel syndrome, or as a tool for visualizing in virtual design applications, etc., but as a market trend for gaming it is little more than a stop-gap measure that doesn't stop the gap from showing how far we are from the real thing.

I would much prefer companies invest in affordable, high performance curved ultra widescreen solutions, which provide superior immersion on the existing platform, rather than trying to hang a bunch of silly devices on my face and tell me how immersed I must feel for how high the price tag ends up being.

No thanks to this generation of "face monitor reality" for me. :)

P.S. Thanks so much for the recent updates to ENB for SE! You generate positive inertia for the whole genre.

You help keep the snowball rolling in a positive direction, mainly by creating greater interest. More interest means more people making more content meaning things like SKSE64 actually happened, maybe people who made helper addons and flying mods come back, etc.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.330

Gonna quote myself here:

"First of all, you will still need a quite beefy rig to run VR, so in a way, VR is niche. And drop an ENB on top of that and it becomes even more resource demanding, making it even more niche.
VR is cool, but atm not worth the significant amount of money it demands.

I'd also say wait and see how big Skyrim VR becomes before spending time and resources on something that only a handful of gamers can appreciate."

VR is not a fad if you ask the gamers who bought it for their simulators. But for the average Joe, it's not worth the money. It's cool, but that's it.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.330

Phinix wrote:The whole idea of the visor fad is flawed. Nobody bothered to point out to the developers that between 18-20% of people CAN'T EVEN SEE conventional 3D. That is investing in a particular device that alienates up to 1/5th of your potential consumer base out the gate?
This is correct, but you are wrong. The true immersion factor of a headset comes from the head tracking. Accurate head tracking is akin to the parallax effect, which provides the illusion of depth from the image's shifting around. If I recall correctly, studies have shown that parallax is more important to a person's seeing depth in images than stereoscopy is. When you can move around and inspect something from every angle, the effect is convincing enough. The current technology is more than a screen strapped to your head, and more practical than a bigger monitor.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.330

I dont know why there is no mono mode of vr helmets, this would make it more widely used by saving money for videocard at least.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.330

Never really thought about it but a mono mode like that is a great idea.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.330

While I agree that mono mode could possibly make the visors more appealing for some, my impression is that the technology has many more problems than this.

The head tracking technology, which is one of the biggest selling points, is actually one of the most frequently criticized aspects of the headsets by people who have used them extensively. For one thing, natural vision is adjusted predominantly by eye movement alone, while head motion plays only a minor role in all but the most extreme of cases (like staring directly up at an airplane or something).

The head movement required to control the interface is jarring and unnatural and cannot achieve a true immersion without the primary eye tracking component as well. Additionally, this transfer of panning from mouse to head is essentially offloading all the impact of repeated stress from the wrist to the neck which has the potential to cause much more serious health problems over protracted use.

When eye tracking IS eventually incorporated and removes this exclusive reliance on head motion, it may be worth taking another look if the result feels less gimmick and more natural. The fact that so many complain about neck pain and nausea after even relatively infrequent use compared to average video gaming sessions seems to paint a pretty clear picture of the current iteration of the technology as a novelty, never destined for wide scale consumption without major future developments.

Furthermore there is still the problem of games being made for a specific technology. It is that moment when you realize swinging your WII sticks as a tennis racket doesn't really translate well into deeper more complex games, like RPG and MMO types which are the driving force in the industry and where most demand, and profit, is to be found.

It might be nice some days to just lay back in a comfortable position without the need to lean in at a monitor, assuming the panning could be done with the controller stick instead of straining the neck and eyes constantly. Still, the amount of investment required and price/performance ratio would seem to make it more practical to just get a bigger screen, or a really nice ergonomic chair, or set up some sort of multi-position mount apparatus that lets you pull your monitor in close like a TV tray or even angle it down if you really wanted to game in bed.

Just my own personal take.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.330

Is it possible to add a day/night parameter for rain? Because I feel like you need different settings for day and night. When you adjust it properly for the day, it looks wrong at night and vice versa.
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