But I highly recommed you to make a search on the nexus with "witcher" as key word. Almost any mod that ports a model from the witcher 2 to skyrim is worth installing. I have to say that I've never played a game that has such an amazing art direction like the witcher 2, it mixes realistic and historical correct assets with items from the fantasy lore, both coexisting without creating the feeling that something is out of place. And the best thing is that CD Project Red has give modders the permission to port those models over to Skyrim. That is true love for the gaming community.
Well enough now with my love delcaration towards CD Project Red
And one question to all of you, should I reduce the near fog a bit more or leave it the way it is? I simply can't decide :/
Ill release it, but im struggling with balancing the outside and interior bloom & eye adaptation. And i didnt even start with those caves. Hopefully, nice adaptation settings will save me from overly dark dungeons.
Man.. If you don't check this page everyday, you end up with alot of pages you have to read up on Now I have to read up on 10 pages or so, and that's cool, cause I know I will see some great screenshots when I do
Anyways. I just wanted to peak my head in, and give you this link to my Beta ENB, using 0.113. It should be in my signature now.
Hopefully going to release my new setup tonight but I'd like to do some more testing in some different environments. My Skyrim is pretty busted, as in frequent CTDs so I was wondering if anyone knew the console code that opens up the map so I can fast travel to any location? I've probably tweaked more than I've actually played the game and most of my previous saves are all corrupted anyway so I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on where to go to tweak, particularly interiors or caves etc.. The big draw of my config is that it's very balanced and is playable most every situation/environment so I'm wondering if any knows of any trouble spots to test their configs.