[SSE] How to add Letterbox effect??

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Joined: 17 Sep 2018, 03:43

[SSE] How to add Letterbox effect??

Can someone help me to add the letterbox effect to my enb i know of some enbs that already have the effect such as rudy's enb but the one i'm using currently (RE-Engaged enb) does not have one
i'd greatly appreciate it if someone told me how to add it. i copy pasted the entirety of the enbeffect.fx just incase.

// ENBSeries TES Skyrim SE hlsl DX11 format, example post process
// visit http://enbdev.com for updates
// Author: Boris Vorontsov

//Warning! In this version Weather index is not yet implemented

//post processing mode. Change value (could be 1, 2, 3, 4). Every mode have own internal parameters, look below

//internal parameters, modify or add new
//modify these values to tweak various color processing
float EAdaptationMinV1=0.01;
float EAdaptationMaxV1=0.07;
float EContrastV1=0.95;
float EColorSaturationV1=1.0;
float EToneMappingCurveV1=6.0;

//float EBrightnessV2=2.5;
float EAdaptationMinV2=0.05;
float EAdaptationMaxV2=0.05;//0.125;
float EToneMappingCurveV2=8.0;
float EIntensityContrastV2=1.0;
float EColorSaturationV2=1.0;
float EToneMappingOversaturationV2=180.0;

float EAdaptationMinV3=0.05;
float EAdaptationMaxV3=0.125;
float EToneMappingCurveV3=4.0;
float EToneMappingOversaturationV3=60.0;

float EAdaptationMinV4=0.2;
float EAdaptationMaxV4=0.125;
float EBrightnessCurveV4=0.7;
float EBrightnessMultiplierV4=0.45;
float EBrightnessToneMappingCurveV4=0.5;
//example parameters with annotations for in-game editor
float ExampleScalar
string UIName="Example scalar";
string UIWidget="spinner";
float UIMin=0.0;
float UIMax=1000.0;
> = {1.0};

float3 ExampleColor
string UIName = "Example color";
string UIWidget = "color";
> = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0};

float4 ExampleVector
string UIName="Example vector";
string UIWidget="vector";
> = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0};

int ExampleQuality
string UIName="Example quality";
string UIWidget="quality";
int UIMin=0;
int UIMax=3;
> = {1};

Texture2D ExampleTexture
string UIName = "Example texture";
string ResourceName = "test.bmp";
SamplerState ExampleSampler
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

//parameters for ldr color correction
float ECCGamma
string UIName="CC: Gamma";
string UIWidget="Spinner";
float UIMin=0.2;//not zero!!!
float UIMax=5.0;
> = {1.0};

float ECCInBlack
string UIName="CC: In black";
string UIWidget="Spinner";
float UIMin=0.0;
float UIMax=1.0;
> = {0.0};

float ECCInWhite
string UIName="CC: In white";
string UIWidget="Spinner";
float UIMin=0.0;
float UIMax=1.0;
> = {1.0};

float ECCOutBlack
string UIName="CC: Out black";
string UIWidget="Spinner";
float UIMin=0.0;
float UIMax=1.0;
> = {0.0};

float ECCOutWhite
string UIName="CC: Out white";
string UIWidget="Spinner";
float UIMin=0.0;
float UIMax=1.0;
> = {1.0};

float ECCBrightness
string UIName="CC: Brightness";
string UIWidget="Spinner";
float UIMin=0.0;
float UIMax=10.0;
> = {1.0};

float ECCContrastGrayLevel
string UIName="CC: Contrast gray level";
string UIWidget="Spinner";
float UIMin=0.01;
float UIMax=0.99;
> = {0.5};

float ECCContrast
string UIName="CC: Contrast";
string UIWidget="Spinner";
float UIMin=0.0;
float UIMax=10.0;
> = {1.0};

float ECCSaturation
string UIName="CC: Saturation";
string UIWidget="Spinner";
float UIMin=0.0;
float UIMax=10.0;
> = {1.0};

float ECCDesaturateShadows
string UIName="CC: Desaturate shadows";
string UIWidget="Spinner";
float UIMin=0.0;
float UIMax=1.0;
> = {0.0};

float3 ECCColorBalanceShadows <
string UIName="CC: Color balance shadows";
string UIWidget="Color";
> = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5};

float3 ECCColorBalanceHighlights <
string UIName="CC: Color balance highlights";
string UIWidget="Color";
> = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5};

float3 ECCChannelMixerR <
string UIName="CC: Channel mixer R";
string UIWidget="Color";
> = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0};

float3 ECCChannelMixerG <
string UIName="CC: Channel mixer G";
string UIWidget="Color";
> = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0};

float3 ECCChannelMixerB <
string UIName="CC: Channel mixer B";
string UIWidget="Color";
> = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};

//external enb parameters, do not modify
//x = generic timer in range 0..1, period of 16777216 ms (4.6 hours), y = average fps, w = frame time elapsed (in seconds)
float4 Timer;
//x = Width, y = 1/Width, z = aspect, w = 1/aspect, aspect is Width/Height
float4 ScreenSize;
//changes in range 0..1, 0 means full quality, 1 lowest dynamic quality (0.33, 0.66 are limits for quality levels)
float AdaptiveQuality;
//x = current weather index, y = outgoing weather index, z = weather transition, w = time of the day in 24 standart hours. Weather index is value from weather ini file, for example WEATHER002 means index==2, but index==0 means that weather not captured.
float4 Weather;
//x = dawn, y = sunrise, z = day, w = sunset. Interpolators range from 0..1
float4 TimeOfDay1;
//x = dusk, y = night. Interpolators range from 0..1
float4 TimeOfDay2;
//changes in range 0..1, 0 means that night time, 1 - day time
float ENightDayFactor;
//changes 0 or 1. 0 means that exterior, 1 - interior
float EInteriorFactor;

//external enb debugging parameters for shader programmers, do not modify
//keyboard controlled temporary variables. Press and hold key 1,2,3...8 together with PageUp or PageDown to modify. By default all set to 1.0
float4 tempF1; //0,1,2,3
float4 tempF2; //5,6,7,8
float4 tempF3; //9,0
// xy = cursor position in range 0..1 of screen;
// z = is shader editor window active;
// w = mouse buttons with values 0..7 as follows:
// 0 = none
// 1 = left
// 2 = right
// 3 = left+right
// 4 = middle
// 5 = left+middle
// 6 = right+middle
// 7 = left+right+middle (or rather cat is sitting on your mouse)
float4 tempInfo1;
// xy = cursor position of previous left mouse button click
// zw = cursor position of previous right mouse button click
float4 tempInfo2;

//game and mod parameters, do not modify
float4 Params01[7]; //skyrimse parameters
//x - bloom amount; y - lens amount
float4 ENBParams01; //enb parameters

Texture2D TextureColor; //hdr color
Texture2D TextureBloom; //vanilla or enb bloom
Texture2D TextureLens; //enb lens fx
Texture2D TextureDepth; //scene depth
Texture2D TextureAdaptation; //vanilla or enb adaptation
Texture2D TextureAperture; //this frame aperture 1*1 R32F hdr red channel only. computed in depth of field shader file

SamplerState Sampler0
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
SamplerState Sampler1
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

float3 pos : POSITION;
float2 txcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 txcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;

float4 pos;
return OUT;

float4 PS_Draw(VS_OUTPUT_POST IN, float4 v0 : SV_Position0) : SV_Target
float4 res;
float4 color;

color=TextureColor.Sample(Sampler0, IN.txcoord0.xy); //hdr scene color

float3 lens;
lens.xyz=TextureLens.Sample(Sampler1, IN.txcoord0.xy).xyz;
color.xyz+=lens.xyz * ENBParams01.y; //lens amount

float3 bloom=TextureBloom.Sample(Sampler1, IN.txcoord0.xy);

bloom.xyz=max(bloom, 0.0);
color.xyz+=bloom*ENBParams01.x; //bloom amount

float grayadaptation=TextureAdaptation.Sample(Sampler0, IN.txcoord0.xy).x;


grayadaptation=max(grayadaptation, 0.0);
grayadaptation=min(grayadaptation, 50.0);

float cgray=dot(color.xyz, float3(0.27, 0.67, 0.06));
cgray=pow(cgray, EContrastV1);
float3 poweredcolor=pow(color.xyz, EColorSaturationV1);
float newgray=dot(poweredcolor.xyz, float3(0.27, 0.67, 0.06));

float3 luma=color.xyz;
float lumamax=300.0;
color.xyz=(color.xyz * (1.0 + color.xyz/lumamax))/(color.xyz + EToneMappingCurveV1);



grayadaptation=max(grayadaptation, 0.0);
grayadaptation=min(grayadaptation, 50.0);

float3 xncol=normalize(color.xyz);
float3 scl=color.xyz/xncol.xyz;
scl=pow(scl, EIntensityContrastV2);
xncol.xyz=pow(xncol.xyz, EColorSaturationV2);

float lumamax=EToneMappingOversaturationV2;
color.xyz=(color.xyz * (1.0 + color.xyz/lumamax))/(color.xyz + EToneMappingCurveV2);



grayadaptation=max(grayadaptation, 0.0);
grayadaptation=min(grayadaptation, 50.0);

float lumamax=EToneMappingOversaturationV3;
color.xyz=(color.xyz * (1.0 + color.xyz/lumamax))/(color.xyz + EToneMappingCurveV3);



grayadaptation=max(grayadaptation, 0.0);
grayadaptation=min(grayadaptation, 50.0);

float Y = dot(color.xyz, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)); //0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B;
float U = dot(color.xyz, float3(-0.14713, -0.28886, 0.436)); //-0.14713 * R - 0.28886 * G + 0.436 * B;
float V = dot(color.xyz, float3(0.615, -0.51499, -0.10001)); //0.615 * R - 0.51499 * G - 0.10001 * B;
Y=pow(Y, EBrightnessCurveV4);
// Y=Y/(Y+EBrightnessToneMappingCurveV4);
// float desaturatefact=saturate(Y*Y*Y*1.7);
// U=lerp(U, 0.0, desaturatefact);
// V=lerp(V, 0.0, desaturatefact);
color.xyz=V * float3(1.13983, -0.58060, 0.0) + U * float3(0.0, -0.39465, 2.03211) + Y;

color.xyz=max(color.xyz, 0.0);


//activated by UseProceduralCorrection=true
float tempgray;
float4 tempvar;
float3 tempcolor;

//+++ levels like in photoshop, including gamma, lightness, additive brightness
color=max(color-ECCInBlack, 0.0) / max(ECCInWhite-ECCInBlack, 0.0001);
if (ECCGamma!=1.0) color=pow(color, ECCGamma);
color=color*(ECCOutWhite-ECCOutBlack) + ECCOutBlack;

//+++ brightness

//+++ contrast
color=(color-ECCContrastGrayLevel) * ECCContrast + ECCContrastGrayLevel;

//+++ saturation
tempgray=dot(color.xyz, 0.3333);
color=lerp(tempgray, color, ECCSaturation);

//+++ desaturate shadows
tempgray=dot(color.xyz, 0.3333);
color=lerp(color, tempgray, ECCDesaturateShadows*tempvar.x);

//+++ color balance
tempgray=dot(color.xyz, 0.3333);
float2 shadow_highlight=float2(1.0-tempgray, tempgray);
color.rgb+=(ECCColorBalanceHighlights*2.0-1.0)*color * shadow_highlight.x;
color.rgb+=(ECCColorBalanceShadows*2.0-1.0)*(1.0-color) * shadow_highlight.y;

//+++ channel mixer
color.r=dot(tempcolor, ECCChannelMixerR);
color.g=dot(tempcolor, ECCChannelMixerG);
color.b=dot(tempcolor, ECCChannelMixerB);

return res;

//Vanilla post process. Do not modify
float4 PS_DrawOriginal(VS_OUTPUT_POST IN, float4 v0 : SV_Position0) : SV_Target
float4 res;
float4 color;

float2 scaleduv=Params01[6].xy*IN.txcoord0.xy;
scaleduv=max(scaleduv, 0.0);
scaleduv=min(scaleduv, Params01[6].zy);

color=TextureColor.Sample(Sampler0, IN.txcoord0.xy); //hdr scene color

float4 r0, r1, r2, r3;
r0.xyz = color.xyz;
if (0.5<=Params01[0].x) r1.xy=IN.txcoord0.xy;
r1.xyz = TextureBloom.Sample(Sampler1, r1.xy).xyz;
r2.xy = TextureAdaptation.Sample(Sampler1, IN.txcoord0.xy).xy; //in skyrimse it two component

r0.w=dot(float3(2.125000e-001, 7.154000e-001, 7.210000e-002), r0.xyz);
r0.w=max(r0.w, 1.000000e-005);
r2.y=r0.w * r1.w;
if (0.5<Params01[2].z) r2.z=0xffffffff; else r2.z=0;
r3.xy=r1.w * r0.w + float2(-4.000000e-003, 1.000000e+000);
r1.w=max(r3.x, 0.0);
r3.xz=r1.w * 6.2 + float2(5.000000e-001, 1.700000e+000);
r2.w=r1.w * r3.x;
r1.w=r1.w * r3.z + 6.000000e-002;
r1.w=r2.w / r1.w;
r1.w=pow(r1.w, 2.2);
r1.w=r1.w * Params01[2].y;
r2.w=r2.y * Params01[2].y + 1.0;
r2.y=r2.w * r2.y;
r2.y=r2.y / r3.y;
if (r2.z==0) r1.w=r2.y; else r1.w=r1.w;
r0.w=r1.w / r0.w;
r1.w=saturate(Params01[2].x - r1.w);
r1.xyz=r1 * r1.w;
r0.xyz=r0 * r0.w + r1;
r1.x=dot(r0.xyz, float3(2.125000e-001, 7.154000e-001, 7.210000e-002));
r0=r0 - r1.x;
r0=Params01[3].x * r0 + r1.x;
r1=Params01[4] * r1.x - r0;
r0=Params01[4].w * r1 + r0;
r0=Params01[3].w * r0 - r2.x;
r0=Params01[3].z * r0 + r2.x;
r1.xyz=pow(r1.xyz, Params01[6].w);
//active only in certain modes, like khajiit vision, otherwise Params01[5].w=0
r1=Params01[5] - r0;
res=Params01[5].w * r1 + r0;

// res.xyz = color.xyz;
// res.w=1.0;
return res;

technique11 Draw <string UIName="ENBSeries";>
pass p0
SetVertexShader(CompileShader(vs_5_0, VS_Draw()));
SetPixelShader(CompileShader(ps_5_0, PS_Draw()));

technique11 ORIGINALPOSTPROCESS <string UIName="Vanilla";> //do not modify this technique
pass p0
SetVertexShader(CompileShader(vs_5_0, VS_Draw()));
SetPixelShader(CompileShader(ps_5_0, PS_DrawOriginal()));

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
Posts: 983
Joined: 09 Dec 2012, 00:29

Re: [SSE] How to add Letterbox effect??

I have only Skyrim SE Re-Engaged V6.1a on my HDD, as I can see in this preset, the letterbox is build in enbeffectpostpass.fx, as usual. Just turn it on :)
Rudy ENB for Skyrim, Skyrim SE, for Fallout New Vegas, for Dragon's Dogma

English is not my native language.

AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, Gigabyte B550 AORUS PRO AC, Arctic Liquid Freezer II 280, Nvidia Geforce RTX 2070 Super, 64GB ram

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Re: [SSE] How to add Letterbox effect??

Guzio wrote:I have only Skyrim SE Re-Engaged V6.1a on my HDD, as I can see in this preset, the letterbox is build in enbeffectpostpass.fx, as usual. Just turn it on :)
Wow thank you so much! i feel really dumb now xD :D
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