[Fallout 4] kingeric's toolset

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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[Fallout 4] kingeric's toolset

Some tools that might be useful when creating presets or shaders.

Implementation instructions are in the files.

1. Magnifying glass:
Opens a magnifying window where mouse is or fixed position with different size and scale.

Code: Select all

 * Settings:
 * magnify_enable:        Opens magnifying window.
 * magnify_fixedwindow:   Fix window position.
 * magnify_fixedcursor:   Fix cursor position.
 * magnify_windowpos:     window position.
 * magnify_cursorpos:     cursor position.
 * magnify_windowsize:    Size of the magnifying window in screen scale.
 * magnify_Scale:         Magnifying scale.
update. Dec/9/2015 fixed
(4.36 KiB) Downloaded 453 times
2. Bicubic Filtering:

Code: Select all

//sample usage:
//      float4 filteredcolor = BicubicFilter(TextureColor, Sampler1, coord, float2(srcsize));
// **Sampler1 is linear sampler.
Left: Bilinear, Right: Bicubic x2 upscale, x8 enlarge

3. FPS History:
A debug UI hud/function to show FPS history.
update. Jan/22/2016
(3.68 KiB) Downloaded 461 times

Code: Select all

 * Settings:
 *      Debug::FPS TimeScale (second):   set history range (x axis)
 *      Debug::FPS LineWidth:   set Line width.
implement detail in the file.

4. 10bit-float3 packing/unpacking:
Use 2 16bit-floats to store 3 10bit-floats.

Code: Select all

//packing float3 into f16 x2
float2 pack10F(float3 v) {
    uint3 u16 = f32tof16(abs(v));

    //replace lower 5 bit.
    u16.x = (u16.x & 0x7FE0) | (( u16.z & 0x7C00) >> 10); // .x: (bit10 e0) | (bit5 m0) | (bit0 e2) 
    u16.y = (u16.y & 0x7FE0) | (( u16.z & 0x03E0) >> 5 ); // .y: (bit10 e1) | (bit5 m1) | (bit0 m2)

    return f16tof32(u16.xy);

// unpack 3 10bit floats from 2 16bit floats
float3 unpack10F(float2 v) {
    uint3 u16;
    u16.xy = f32tof16(abs(v));
    u16.z  = ((u16.x & 0x1F) << 10) | ((u16.y & 0x1F) << 5);
    return max(0, f16tof32(u16 & 0x7FE0));

//sample usage:

// the first pass write to RGBA16F rendertarget.
    float4 PS_pass0(float4 pos: SV_POSITION, float4 txcoord: TEXCOORD0) : SV_Target {

        //negative val not supported.
        float3 c = { 0.1, 0.22, 0.333};
        float3 w = {10.6, 1.22, 0.003};

        return float4( pack10F(c),  pack10F(w)); 

// second pass retrieve data from RGBA16F texture
    float4 PS_pass1(float4 pos: SV_POSITION, float4 txcoord: TEXCOORD0) : SV_Target {

        // WARNING!
        //     Interpolation will disrupt the retrieved data.
        //     Use point sampler or texObj.Load() only.
        float4 data = TexRGBA16F.Sample(samplerPoint, txcoord.xy); 

        float3 c = unpack10F(data.xy);
        float3 w = unpack10F(data.zw);

        return c * w;
Last edited by kingeric1992 on 09 Oct 2018, 06:13, edited 13 times in total.
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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: [Fallout 4] kingeric's debugging toolset

file update:
use PASSNAME as technique name. Enables fast implementation with #define PASSNAME prior to including the effect file.

sorry guys, wrong file...fixed now.

hotfix again:
Oops, wrong date, fixed now. no need to redownload.
Last edited by kingeric1992 on 09 Dec 2015, 12:45, edited 3 times in total.
Intel Xeon L5639 6C12T @3.96GHz | Gigabyte ga-x58a-ud3r | MSI GTX680 4G | 48G RAM | Intel 760p Nvme w clover bootloader

*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: [Fallout 4] kingeric's toolset

post update:
add bicubic filtering function
Intel Xeon L5639 6C12T @3.96GHz | Gigabyte ga-x58a-ud3r | MSI GTX680 4G | 48G RAM | Intel 760p Nvme w clover bootloader

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Re: [Fallout 4] kingeric's toolset

Could the bicubic filtering be used for blurring bloom output, instead of using the performance lowering "scale" parameter?
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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: [Fallout 4] kingeric's toolset

what do you mean by blurring bloom output?

bicubic filter is superior in up scaling in large magnitude, like when blending 1024*1024 bloom to 1920*1080 or even 4k resolution, or up scaling other deferred rendered post-process.
in that case, it could come in handy when mixing bloom texture from different scale (less aliasing?), but I'm not sure how it compares to scale parameter in bloom.
Intel Xeon L5639 6C12T @3.96GHz | Gigabyte ga-x58a-ud3r | MSI GTX680 4G | 48G RAM | Intel 760p Nvme w clover bootloader

*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: [Fallout 4] kingeric's toolset

post update:
add FPS history hud
Intel Xeon L5639 6C12T @3.96GHz | Gigabyte ga-x58a-ud3r | MSI GTX680 4G | 48G RAM | Intel 760p Nvme w clover bootloader

*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: [Fallout 4] kingeric's toolset

post update:
adding 10bit-float3 packing/unpacking function,
which packs/unpacks 3 10bit-floats into/from 2 16bit-floats.
Intel Xeon L5639 6C12T @3.96GHz | Gigabyte ga-x58a-ud3r | MSI GTX680 4G | 48G RAM | Intel 760p Nvme w clover bootloader
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