GTA 5 0.351

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

You know, Boris. I had a lot of respect for you until now. You openly accused Marty of "porting there everything you see." Unless you can point out some code that Marty ported from your internal enb effects, afaik, Marty has never ported anything from your AO, and considering it's baked into the dll and the source is closed, it would take quite an effort to do so.

First of all, Marty just writes shaders for ReShade. He didn't create it. Crosire did. Unless you somehow thought that Marty created it, I can't understand why you brought it up. Marty also created the only decent DOF shader for your DX11 ENBs. His work has been very important to us ENB preset cooks.

Second of all, ReShade was never designed to "compete" with your ENB. It's a simple post-process injector. Since when did modding games become a competition? Reshade really doesn't have anything to do with Marty just asking what your "self-intersecting" AO does. Are you feeling threatened by Marty or something? Marty has never stolen AO code from you. Do you think that he would?

Lastly, I have also donated to you in the past, and you can easily look through my post history here and find me being nothing but supportive of you. Today, you lost my respect. I was recently baselessly accused of theft by someone I thought was a friend of mine, and now you seem to be doing something similar to Marty, who is also a friend of mine.

I'm quite disappointed. This isn't about "sweet words." It's about making a baseless accusation.
stop porting there everything you see.
Edit: I understand that my respect doesn't mean much to you, but I wanted to put my thoughts into the public anyway.

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

I dont like when somebody speculating on words which i didnt tell at all. You do not know what i meant, because i didnt give you code and description what blending modes are, i give it to Marty. And i remember someone from users on forum pointed me to sources asking me to make the same ao in my mod. When i have seen that in the past, code of mixing was much more similar to mine. How much rong i am or right is impossible to tell, because i do not have such memory to remember mxao code, but if i give to him idea how to blend ao and all game developers use standard two types of blending, why should i think the code Marty did is not based on my idea and the code which i gave to him? He asked me that and i helped. But now i'm not respected and bad person for sharing what others do not have. I will not comment anything about this. Anybody else are welcome to join to haters of me.
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Re: GTA 5 0.351

That is exactly the response I expected. You doubled down.

Goodbye, Boris. You just lost 2 good people for nothing other than your own ego.

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

One more time, I took offense in the words, not that you did not share anything. I'm also a very direct so if you feel insulted, don't.

Check ReShade forums, I had a raytraced AO about a year ago - no code of yours. I just didn't know what self intersection stands for, English is my second language. That AO works exactly as you describe.

Check my SSAO code from before I asked you and now, the blending modes haven't changed so my AO didn't benefit from these. All older versions are online as well. Obviously and your AO differ from any game AO because we have IL, no game uses that, so of course the blending modes differ because they have to take IL into account.

There is and was no code from you in my works, ever.

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

I am not some paranoid to check what was in the past, i do not care that. It was just enough to say "no, i didn't use your ideas or code in ReShade". Why to make things so much complicated, i do not know.
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Re: GTA 5 0.351

ENBSeries wrote:It was just enough to say "no, i didn't use your ideas or code in ReShade". Why to make things so much complicated, i do not know.
Marty McFly wrote:Where do your blend modes appear in my AO?
Marty McFly wrote:I couldn't use yours because they depend on albedo, ambient light level and so on.
Marty McFly wrote:Check ReShade forums, I had a raytraced AO about a year ago - no code of yours.
Marty McFly wrote:There is and was no code from you in my works, ever.
I didn't donate to you because I wanted something in return btw. I supported your project since 2011 and I'm one of your oldest users. Cmon man, I don't try to steal or compete in any way, I'm just asking to be treated normally. And I'm certainly not responsible for any code of yours that end up elsewhere.

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

What's going on here ?...
I'm not visiting the forums quite often these days because I'm overwhelmed with RL work, and I'm quite shocked with what I'm reading.
Not shocked with what Boris and Marty wrote, but shocked with the subject.
I'm noone to tell everything about creating a code, I wouldn't know what I'm talking about. I only know about tweaking and replicating, blending parts of codes together to achieve particular things I have in mind, nothing more.
What I know is you're both very talented and honest people and I have huge respect for you both.
What I learnt, I learnt from you. Please don't involve in sterile fights. I really don't think Marty wanders around to steal anything and port it to Reshade.
I think he loves to learn and improve his skills.
And I don't think as well that you, Boris, are really thinking he wants to steal things away from you. Don't be surprised that the fact you create something can be source of inspiration to others, and that doesn't mean robery of any kind.

Peace, guys.
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Re: GTA 5 0.351

I am the only one here with weird shit... I tried every option in the enb this is either caused by something from visualv optionals or.. nope


I wish I died before seeing you guys talking like that on the forum

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

Поставил самую последнюю пиратку.... На ней даже не работает адаптация из мода... Ну не буду я ставить себе стим версию, да она у меня есть, но стим параша и возится с ним не хочу, мне проще моды ставить на пиратку, чем я и занимаюсь, почему мод не на одной версии кроме последней не пашет? Да и то не факт что он будет работать на стимовской. В итоге бросил это дело. Надеюсь что вы все же доделаете версию под все патчи. Версия игры свежескаченой 1.0.1180.2

ЗЫ как быть людям у которых нет стим версии? А с модом поиграть охото.

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

Не буду делать ни под какие старые или пиратские версии игры. И вообще не буду больше gta5 модифицировать, она того не стоит.
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