TES Skyrim SE 0.362

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.362


As far as I can judge, the waterfall issue has fixed.
Is there any major issue left?

Recommended using that new binary?


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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.362

Version updated, download again
Fixed some bugs of particle lights and added distance fade parameter.

You can try, just do backup copy of d3d11.dll.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.362

Any news on the SSS bug I reported earlier?
Here is the environment with and without it enabled, maybe it helps.
I also checked the skin mask in the prepass and it looks as if every object gets some kind of SSS now.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.362

I dont remember that. But i know it's not fixable, because i already in one of recent updates tried to patch some rock shaders to ignore their transparency as factor for subsurface scattering. Its bad design of game renderer and i can only make code which have not worthy performance degradation to draw one extra render target for mask where bodies are. But on practice, every object with transarency of any kind in alpha channel do have sss. You can notice this on edges of all plants. Also things getting worse with modded stuff which rarely have control over quality in things which modders can't see. Here is visualized mask of subsurface scattering which i draw to compute effect on dark areas (the darkness is sss amount);
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.362

I know that transparent objects that shouldn't have SSS still get some amount of it and that this can't be fixed.
I integrated an additional shader in the prepass that can be used to customize the SSS and worked around that problem (more or less), but that solution doesn't work with the new version anymore.

Thats the mask with 0.356

And this is the mask with 0.362

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.362

res=TextureMask.Sample(Sampler0, IN.txcoord0.xy).w;
Tested this code in enbprepass.fx and it looks the same as at should be, most world is white and character is black, only turns off when subsurface scattering is disabled. I dont know what kind of code do you use, because such look do not exist in the mod.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.362

I used the rgb channels for the mask rather than the alpha channel. That way most of the transparent objects got ignored.

Code: Select all

float3 SkinMaskSrc = TextureMask. Sample(Linear_Sampler, IN.texcoord).rgb;
float  SkinMask    = max3 (SkinMaskSrc); //max(SkinMaskSrc.r,max(SkinMaskSrc.g,SkinMaskSrc.b))
That is the code I use for the mask. I just inverted it after that and add a depth fade to prevent problems with some LODs.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.362

No, it's old version when i didnt bother to patch all shaders to draw albedo to rgb and sss to alpha. Now albedo is drawed and i can't undone this. I will try to patch alpha channel to turn off transparency bugs as much as possible, but it's very risky, because clothing can be opaque and things like scars/dirt which are not sss type, but semitransparent, so they should be drawed as gray instead of white. But maybe at least i can remove grass alpha.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.362

Here, removed from alpha channel all vegetation, but as you see some objects still there and i'm sure will be more with mods installed, i already removed many rocks individually. Guess better not touch more, i dont want to destroy transparent clothing. Will try with hairs, but it's also risky.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.362

Version updated, download again
Added fire particle lights.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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