GTA 5 0.351

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

Hi! I'm not really sure where to post this, but I've been pulling my hair out trying to get ENB .351 to work with reshade (4.0.1) in GTA V. I've done everything, including various attempts at using a proxy library, downgrading to older versions of ENB, and even starting on a fresh directory to make sure nothing is interfering.

Is co-loading the two mods even possible anymore? I definitely remember having these two mods work together in the past. Is there some roundabout solution I haven't tried yet?

Seriously, thank you for taking the time to read this and I appreciate anyone who wants to give me some advice.

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

Core is the same, so they should be compatible. On practice, no idea.
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Re: GTA 5 0.351

Will there be a possibility to add subsurface scattering options to enb because the subsurface scattering in the game is really bad :)

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

My mod for this game is not popular, so i abandoned it.
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Re: GTA 5 0.351

Thanks for the reply, I understand because I’m a 3D character artist who makes mods for GTAV primarily and I get disheartened making 3D models for the game because the bad last gen shaders are really bad and I don’t get as many downloads now. i tried to modify the shaders my self but I ain’t no programmer all I know is the subsurface scattering is controlled by the specular map colour and that it uses some for of stencil system on the 0x89 layer with g buffers what ever that means lol. But no worries :)

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

I see after updates game is crashing with mod installed, so i no longer support GTA 5 version and will not develop any more updates.
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Re: GTA 5 0.351

This is weird. I have no crash and work fine too.

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

I don't understand the reason for crash, but tested it now for 30 minutes and dont have any bug

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

It just crash for me when mod installed, so i deleted the game.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: GTA 5 0.351

and do you can try again after ?
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