Sorry for the delay, my old gtx970 died and I only got a new GPU today. Looked in this game again and found that activating EnableDepthOfField makes the world goes black.
I'm losing too much visual effects and improvements disabling it? I sincerely do not remember how the game looked with this option on.
What I noted is basically every ENB on nexus has this option checked, and I want to see all the beaut of them in my new better GPU. Any information will be very appreciated. :mrgreen:
Usually dof makes game look more cinematic, but some people hate this effect. I think you should try install older drivers, because already reported that new are buggy and it is always the same story when new gpu is out (2xxx). I'm using 391.xx version.
Updating here: Installed the 391.35 driver and now the "issue" is with the EnableGameDephtOfField option. I was using the 418.81 previously.
Mys system is GTX 1070 in Windows 10 Pro x64.
If there are anything to be checked to try to figure out what the cause of the problem, let me know. If there are nothing else to try, no problem, you stopped developing this ENB already if I have read it right, no need to bother.
I had problems with dof too when last time updated it. But somehow fixed, dont remember the trick, maybe some combination of setting must be enabled or disabled, like game dof on/off.
@wickfut you've got nice pictures and clearly a slick as hell RTX 2080ti and 4k screen to match, but could you refrain from embedding 4k images? This is the result on my humble 1440p monitor.