Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

hehe.. Don't promise anything, do it when it fits you :) And again, feedback will be appriciated, as I haven't had time to really play with these settings, or going through all weather conditions and so on. I'm very much looking forward to a proper playthrough to adjust the final settings.. I also have to recapture new video for the trailer, as too much have changed, damn!
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Thank you for this great preset ! I never played a so colored Skyrim and I love it. :)

The only critic I would make, and it have already been said here, is for the dark/grey water sprite effect. In fact it's not only water, but every white sprite effect appears to be dark (smoke, water, absorbing dragon soul effect ...etc).

But despite of this, I very much appreciate your work, thanks !

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Is your Bfloatpointrendertarget set to 1? It will destroy your whites if not.. If thats not the problem then its my config.. I need to check it. I must admit that I havent really checked water or smoke particles. And I not sure how to brightn that up, if you are right.. Will look at it tomorrow hopefully.. Thanks for you feedback. I hlad that you like my colorful skyrim :-)
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

I think I've found the solution to the dark waterfalls/particles problem. Since there's no parameter for that, the solution lies in Adaptation.. By letting the screen bright'n up more, will also make the waterfalls brighter. But that also mean that everything is getting brighter, so I have to redo the night and day lighting to compensate.. And, that is definatly something I will do :) Thanks for pointing this out, and giving me more stuff to improve ;)
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

You're welcome. :)
I would do anything to help you improve this preset !

This evening (Belgium time :p) I will take several screenshots of locations with "dark sprite problem" with a comparison with/without your enb preset.
hope that can help you for your future tweaking sessions. :)

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Thanks. If you can find other stuff than waterfalls, that would be cool :)
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

I managed to get the water perfect for day and night, problem was that I couldn't recreate my look from that increased adaptation. I tried for 3 hours.. So this attemt was a failur :-( i will have to think of another solution, or just accept that I can't do it, and will have to live with darker particle fx... I might even try and start from scratch again, and see if I can get it working that way.. We'll see :-)
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

So we have the classic water foam problem :


Honnestly, the foam problem doesn't bother me.

But the problem is bigger in snowing environment, like on top of mountain.
Here we are in front of High Hrothgar, and we can see that all powdery snow effects are just black :


We have to notice that there is absolutely no problem neither with sky clouds, nor with top mountain clouds. Maybe it's because ENB have a specific configurations for these two effects and not for other effects like foam/snow ?

I already spent an hour trying to find which element in your configuration could be responsible for these problems, but I didn't found out. :(

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Thanks for the pics..
Interesting about the snow. I haven't noticed that. And I'm sure I have tested snowy weather.. I will go to high rothgar when I come from work.

It's adaptation that prevents water and particles from getting any brighter, so bringing the adaptation down will make that and everything else brighter. Meaning that you have ro adjust lighting and sky, and many other things again.. I tried this, but couldn't get my look back again..
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Hello Kalicola :)
I absolutely love your work and wanted to thank you sooooooooooo much for this *_* . Skyrim has never been sooooo colorful and sooooo beautiful, it impresses me everytime I play Skyrim!
But uum.. I've come across something that bothers me and I wanted to ask you if you could help me please :).
Everytime I enter a building, the interior is so dark, not that I hate darkness, I like it to be precisely but this is too much :(.
And also fires in general are too dark, it looks like the darkness consumes them :/
Here are some examples:

I hope you can help me :)
Thanks in advance and keep up the work! Can't wait to see the final version... so excited ^.^
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