TES Skyrim SE 0.374

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.374

fireman_af wrote:Found the cause. It was private profile Redirector SE. Removing that solved the issue.

I wonder how many ENBs out there being used is not looking as intended because of that. So, if anyone is noticing daytime is too dark it may be because of that.

Oh; now that you mention it I used to have that issue with that a LONG time ago back on an older version but Kerber since then updated and patched that out and I havent had the issue since. They must be using a very old ver of it.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.374

xirangeix wrote:
fireman_af wrote:Found the cause. It was private profile Redirector SE. Removing that solved the issue.

I wonder how many ENBs out there being used is not looking as intended because of that. So, if anyone is noticing daytime is too dark it may be because of that.

Oh; now that you mention it I used to have that issue with that a LONG time ago back on an older version but Kerber since then updated and patched that out and I havent had the issue since. They must be using a very old ver of it.
I will have to make sure they have updated then. Thank you.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.374

Hi Boris, i have 2 questions, 1st: Someone asked you if Ambient color filter could be possible for SSE and you said that that feature will hit hard the cpu, but with that effect can we achieve this kind of color effects without a Lut? But wether if it hit hard the cpu, can you implement it anyways?
https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mo ... 319561.jpg
https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mo ... 275508.jpg
https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mo ... 476155.jpg
or maybe those pics have nothing to do with what im asking for?
(In that case, sry (noob detected)).

And the 2nd question, how can i get the grass shine like in this video without mess with the rest of the things?

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.374

Those pictures are not related to ambient. Directional ambient is available in old skyrim mod and it's easy to see how it works from bottom to top applying different colors. I will not do it in sse, because this effect need for each object capture it's transform matrix, invert it, capture matrix of directional colors, transform by first matrix, send to object and then draw object. It is slow process and with dx11 specific problem of constant buffers which must be locked, it's not acceptable way to deal with performance. The only alternative i can use is via omage based lighting to do the same thing, but this effect is not applied as ambient cause of overlay on everything, so color operation is different. Much better to edit weather in creation kit.
Don't know what you mean that grass is shining. Don't see specular on it. Maybe it have some sss or self illumination, i don't know, not familiar with native modding of the game.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.374

There's nothing special in the grass image, it's a simple texture modification. But you cannot recreate the exact result easily, the illusion is created by a saturated texture and Opeth's very special preset that relies heavily on bloom (it's all over the image if you look carefully).

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.374

I can try to make grass looks better, but most of it do not have normals and even if have, it is ugly wrong. So specular and sss are buggy. Even many bushes have wrong vertex normals which make faces look reverted to lighting by other side.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.374

Yep, I've noticed that too. In all honesty not sure how to make sure it won't look like a mess with all these different assets around, both vanilla and modded.

Can you distinguish the grass by its shaders anyhow, the procedurally distributed one I mean? I remember there are a some little rocks too using the same shaders but it probably doesn't matter.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.374

Ohh, ok i understand now and everything you still can do for the game would be great, all i want to do is make it more cinematic. Another thing, changing some tipe of land water and underwater effects are still being a viable option? or is giving you much trouble?

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.374

I can only make some of underwater effects. But it's not so important, rarely visible thing, so i'm not in a hurry.

I don't know which grass is procedurally generated and which don't. But i guess procedural is the one which drawed without normal map and instanced (so do not get lights from tourch). Small stones - don't remember if using same shaders or not. I tried several times in the past to make specular and sss for old skyrim on trees and bushes, it not work cause of bad normal maps and vertex normals, looks absolutely not the way it should be. To generate normals procedurally from diffuse map is slow thing, not acceptable for this type of object with huge texel and fill rate costs.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.374

Hi, Boris!

Is there any way of optimizing COMPLEXFIRELIGHTS, namely EnableBidRange option?
I use ENB Light, and although I've been told to disable complexfirelights completely (due to the enormous perf drop with it), I still find COMPLEXFIRELIGHTS EnableBidRange to look amazing when it comes to lighting character skin.
Without it, skin specular lighting is not even produced enough..

Maybe it's possible to limit/optimize how many "lights" or how "hard" this option works?
Playing with all of those settings doesn't do anything (in terms of perf). 0.1 for say intensity has same performance as 10.
Disabling shadows gives 1-2 FPS.

I have a pretty beefy config, i7 6cores/12threads, @5Ghz watercooled, RTX 2080Ti and 16GB 3866Hz RAM+ultra clean windows and 512GB SSD for skyrim se and mods.
With all of this, I get 67 FPS in Winking Skeever WITHOUT EnableBidRange and 32 (more than half FPS loss) with EnableBidRange enabled, when I spam starter's fire spell (flames).

In a static scene, I have 66 FPS with it enabled and 69 disabled.

So it all happens because of ENB Light fire, BUT maybe there's some way to further optimize it?
Maybe Low-Medium-High-Ultra quality for this setting?
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