Skyrim SE ENB Volumetric Rays

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Skyrim SE ENB Volumetric Rays

Using ENB's volumetric rays, you get a nasty side effect when trying to keep the horizon blended with the sky, as seen here They also don't affect the volumetric fog.

The horizon blending with the sky is not vanilla of course, it is accomplished via this:

"Eliminating the horizon seam completely is accomplished by setting the "Far Fog" RGB values equal to the "Horizon" RGB with a "Sky Scale" of 0.0, a "Fog Max" of 1.0, and a "Far Fog Distance" of less than 325,000. Setting Sky Scale to 0 makes the color exactly what you pick it instead of multiplying it by a sky scale multiplier. This lets you match the horizon to distant fog perfectly. By setting Fog Max to 1.0, the environment will become 100% obscured in that color once it reaches the Far Fog Distance. 325,000 is about the distance from the northern coast of Skyrim to the edge of the world. If the Far Fog Distance is too great, than you will see the edge of the world (aka horizon seam).

Note: If cloud layer 28 is enabled and the alpha is 1.0, you can set the Fog Far and this cloud layer equal in RGB to accomplish the same thing. This is highly recommended so that you can have increased versatitlity with the upper horizon color."

This is implemented in Cathedral Weathers and Seasons here ... mods/24791.

Is there a way that the volumetric rays could be made to not un-blend the horizon and the sky, and potentially affect volumetric fog? For Skyrim LE, ENB mist helped blend the horizon, however without that feature mods like Cathedral Weathers and Seasons are the best option.

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Re: Skyrim SE ENB Volumetric Rays

Volumetric clouds can't work with volumetric rays, they do not have depth cause transparent. Apply rays after clouds drawed is much worse because all transparent objects will be cut off by rays, including hairs.
Rays do not look for me as issue for horizon, something is wrong about other things, with water. I remember that changed background clear color to horizon color, maybe that thing. Gonna look in to it.

EDIT: found it's water drawed after rays, so i need somehow move rays to another place. But it not solve issue because sky background forced and it was requested.
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Re: Skyrim SE ENB Volumetric Rays

Okay, fixed by moving rays after water. Will be available in next update
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Re: Skyrim SE ENB Volumetric Rays

The clouds can sort of be fixed manually so that's fine. Really excited to use volumetric rays now though, thanks for the update!
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