Installed ENB for Skyrim, refuses to work

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Installed ENB for Skyrim, refuses to work

Hi, I downloaded the Rudy ENB preset recently (climates of tamriel version) and downloaded the latest version of the enb for Skyrim on this website. Trying to launch the game causes a CTD as soon as the launcher picture shows. Removing the d3d9.dll fixes the problem, but because the ENB needs the d3d9.dll to run, its not an ideal solution. I tried using the injector, however there would be no graphical change. I made sure to put all the files in the correct locations, edited my SkyrimPrefs accordingly, turned off OSDs, edited my enblocal to the recommended orientation, installed DirectX, turned off firewall, and almost all other suggested fixes, but to no avail.

Here's a pastebin of my ENB local:
Here's an image of my modlist:

My GPU is an R9 380 with 4096 MB memory and I have 8 GB of ram. CPU is an intel core i5.

What could the root of my problems be? Is there a way to fix this? Thanks!

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Installed ENB for Skyrim, refuses to work

Try without SKSE, without antiviruses, without any software which hook in to graphics (capture screenshots too), without Steam overlay.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Installed ENB for Skyrim, refuses to work

ENBSeries wrote:Try without SKSE, without antiviruses, without any software which hook in to graphics (capture screenshots too), without Steam overlay.
Launched my computer in safe mode, tried launching Skyrim with and without SKSE and the same problem persists

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Installed ENB for Skyrim, refuses to work

Try set these values in enblocal.ini
and then run the game. If it still crash, open enbseries.ini and set UseEffect=false, try to run again. if it crash, then post here full list of processes from task manager. Still, you need to be sure there is no geforce experience, no steam overlay, no chatting overlays of any kind, no afterburner, no overclocking software, no antivirus, no fraps/dxtory/bandicam etc.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Installed ENB for Skyrim, refuses to work

So I made progress. I had my TESV and skyrimlauncher running in compatibility mode because when I initially downloaded the game (vanilla download) I would crash after the Bethesda logo. So the ENB's loading now, but my game still crashes after the Bethesda logo. What's a work around for the logo issue?

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Installed ENB for Skyrim, refuses to work

Such things were reported many times in the old ages, but i don't remember now anything, except all incompatibility issues with crapware. If you are running win10, disable windows game explorer, xbox related things and terminate all software which not come with OS itself (users mostly collect various trash running on background). If you have Razer or Logitek devices, could be their background services injecting in the game. Make screenshot of list of all processes, maybe gonna help.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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