TES Skyrim SE

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Re: TES Skyrim SE

Bugs visible cause of intensity, those particles are internally classified as fire by my mod and fire usually have high intensity in the enbseries.ini. I don't think blurring will help to fix issue (unless blurring with very big range by gausian blur), because such artifacts are visible at any "steps" in the picture, no matter which size they are. You need to convert image to 16 bit per channel or 32 to edit it, then instead of blurring use smudge tool in Photoshop to manually redraw alpha, but still there is a big risk you will miss something, you can't see by eyes these tiny errors.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE

Yes, went to 32bit and used gaussian blur. I'll give up on that front for now, ingame is more interesting than the main menu.

Considering aers made parallax possible via using parallax for vertex colors with specular, would it be possible to get terrain parallax the same way?
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... mods/31963

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Re: TES Skyrim SE

If game do not have parallax on terrain, then no. I will not patch again shaders for terrain, too many of them in SE.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE

mindflux wrote:Definitely, short grass is much more interesting especially with good ground textures that it blends in nicely. At some point I looked at adding more little weeds but the way the grass is rendered makes it very tricky, most assets look terrible. I think this particular grass could be improved by making it even smaller and more dense, but it quickly hits the framerate pretty badly.

Here you go:

https://mega.nz/#!f1dkhILQ!znx9aZmlxRNg ... lphGhQ-URA

Nevermind the terrible use of uv space, never got around improving it...
Mindflux Grass is best grass.


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Re: TES Skyrim SE

Is it possible to have reflection on skin to look wet when it rains, like in SLE ENBs?

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Re: TES Skyrim SE

VimeGaming wrote:Is it possible to have reflection on skin to look wet when it rains, like in SLE ENBs?

You need an enb with multiple weathers and then turn the skin specular up for rainy weathers.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE

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Re: TES Skyrim SE

Location-based configs are a powerful thing. Finally got day/night in interiors that have windows/natural light looking how I wanted! :D Ambient light bumped up and desaturated during the day to emulate fill/bounced light.

(I'm using modified ELFX for the general lighting.)


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Re: TES Skyrim SE










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Re: TES Skyrim SE

Suggestion/Question about file saving.

Parallax map 1k intel Texture Plugin uncompressed 5,3mb (I don't want to use bc1/dxt1)
Nvidia plugin: 4mb
Nvidia plugin without mipmaps 3mb

Parallax maps don't really need mipmaps right? So I could save over 40% in size with the last method?

Bc7 compressed at 1,3mb would be even better performance wise I think.
Without mipmaps at 1mb best
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