TES Skyrim SE 0.408

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.408

aers wrote:
Tacocat wrote:Hi Boris,

thanks for providing us updates and additional features. Very much appreciated. I dont know if the following question has been asked before if thats the case i am sorry. Some time ago a mod on nexus was released, that included "fixed" parallax shaders. The author said terrain parallax in SE would be possible but a SE feature/function had to be disabled to do so. What feature is he talking about and do you think thats actually even possible?
lol why not just ask me directly

in SE landscape diffuse texture alpha is used for the snow shader so you can't easily use it as a height map
I dont know why i didnt do that. Do you mean the shader, that gets activated when i set improvedsnow=1 in the .ini?

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.408

Hi Boris!
I check the forum every day and I just don't post much, but I am here bearing with you
Thank you so much for all the updates for SE and other games, and thanks for adding this stuff for rain, I was at work whole weekend so couldn't check the changes, have a day off tomorrow and will post some feedback!
lost in the sound of separation

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.408

Checked this version and it looks and works amazing!
Thank you so much!
lost in the sound of separation
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