TES Skyrim SE 0.415

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.415

I can not use the simple way to install game quickly, because as I mentioned a few months back in some post, I encountered problems after updating to the latest game version and getting back to the previous game version was not easy. (Had to manually replace and reinstall many stuff and many mods)

I'm currently using the game version and I do not want any accidental automatic updates. So reinstalling the game completely would be like a bad dream. If nothing else helps, I'll try to install a clean copy of the game on a different disk under different Windows installation. For testing purposes.

The wet effect itself is working for me, just not the right way.

On wooden walkways it's ok: (with higher reflection)

On stones - no wetness at all:

On the road - wetness works but doesn't look like wetness, it's like the road gets buried under some granulated stuff. (like snow)


Or is this the normal behaviour ? I hope not.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.415

Works great for me!



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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.415

Damn - that looks nice. Do you have any lighting or roads mod installed ?

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.415

Thanks! Yeah, it looks really nice! Textures: Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, Really blended roads, Blended roads redone 2k ; Weather and lighting: Cathedral weathers, Relighting Skyrim and Luminosity. ENB: The Truth.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.415

Two more screenshots:



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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.415

Anubis - it looks like your stones are modded. be aware that normal maps have varying degrees of alpha which affect specular.. poorly done texture mods can cause inconsistencies in that area.
I can vouch for SRO though. I use it. Other stray tex mods need to be checked at every turn tho'.

Best check it with a clean profile in MO2 - Vanilla - no mods in order to troubleshoot.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.415

When I have a local light on (lantern) while viewing a NPC, I see the reflection behind the character.
When no NPC, no reflection.
This screen capture shows the reflection around the NPC as I panned the camera.
EDIT: Any light will show the reflection around the character behind NPC.
AMD R9 6900HX, 16GB DDR5-4800
Win 11Pro 64bit on NvMe, Skyrim on NvMe 2nd partition
Nvidia GTX 1070 FE eGPU v531.209
OrganicENB SE
OrganicENB LE

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.415

@El Duderino woot those were taken in my ENB The Truth, glad to see people are enjoying the effect.

@Boris this effect is really good, one of the best you have added. It adds a TON of immersion to the environment. Switching between Elder Scrolls Online and Skyrim SE I always missed the wet effect of rain. This combined with the rest of the effects makes Skyrim feel like a totally different game. Many thanks. :mrgreen:

One question: I use EnableRainWetSurfaces instead of EnableWetSurfaces as I haven't gotten around to doing per-weather configuration yet. I noticed that EnableRainWetSurfaces has one setting that EnableWetSurfaces doesn't, which is ColorPowMultiplier. I find that with my settings, I need to increase ColorPowMultiplier to 1.25 to maintain overall balance of the scene with just a little brightness added by the reflection effect. With the same settings EnableWetSurfaces looks just a little too bright. Do you have plans or would it be possible to add this option to EnableWetSurfaces as well, just in case I get inspired to do per-weather stuff at some point?

Again, awesome job with the new effect!

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.415

@Anubis You should test without texture mods since unless you pick them very carefully they are not consistent at all. There are significant differences in normal maps in particular with some having considerably higher intensity than others and so on. Some authors also have too much fine detail in their normal maps because they think it brings out more details whereas it just contributes in adding noise.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.415

@Phinix: Yes they were! (I'm "mrsuntripper" from Nexus btw... :) ) Love your ENB preset man, Im getting superb results both graphical- and performance-wise (just loosing 5 fps on the full version). Its the best one out there imho, at least for my setup. Great work! Oh, and let me know if you want some more screenshots, after 6 months of modding I finally feel ready to post some nice-looking scenery images on reddits "skyrimporn"... 8-)

@mindflux: I dont think thats gonna help since the weteffects works on all my textures/mods (SRO, 2k farmhouse, 2k cart, 3d rocks, 3d stones, majestic mountains)... But who knows, maybe he could give it a try.

@anubis: maybe you could test The Truth ENB? That works perfect for me?

@Boris: I also want to say what a truly great effect this is, it really looks awesome and I havent noticed a single framedrop yet! Fantastic work!
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