Mindflux: Thanks. So you are using matso's enbbloom.fx and HD6's effects.ini? Meaning that you are not using matso's new depht of field? Right?
PMind: Thanks. Well I didn't know that there was anything new in enbseries.ini, so I didn't copy that one over.
Trillville: My summon skeleton animation is stuck. The problem is that I can't figure out how to convert the file back to the format that skyrim can read. I have followed some tutorials on how to do it, but it doesn't work for me. I don't know if I have a conflict with my animation and the rig it's using. It's quite confusing actually. I've asked for help on the bethesda forum, but no one is able to help me out, so it's in a state of limbo. I might try to import the animation onto another skyrim rig, to see if that solves the problem. But because of all these problems my motivation on getting it to work is very low, so I don't know when I will open that project up again. Thanks for asking
Here's the animation again, in case someone missed it
I STILL would really like to see this working ingame for summoning undeads
My computer is game over, meaning that I will be very passive the next long time, until I get a new one