Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

The settings I posted are still a good starting point.

If the water surface looks white and washed out, it sounds like your reflection intensity might be too high.

Not sure about dirt like stuff, maybe you mean caustics?

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Cool thanks man. Yea I used your settings and it started looking better. Still not as blue as the images though. The dirt is towards the edges of water as it flows, looks like dirt in the water ripping by. Once about 2ft in from the edge of the water you don't see it. Unless shallow clear water, then you kinda see it everywhere.

Anyway I wanted to say by running around looking at my water, it *seems* I came across 2 *seams* ! lol

Don't know if you care or not or if its even fixable but here are screens, and if you want I can give you a exact location. I was busy so I didn't get one.. but I know how to get back there. ... 1.png?dl=0 ... 2.png?dl=0

FYI these are pretty close to each other in the same river

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

By those images it looks like you're using some sort of weird weather modification that makes water very dark. How about increasing "Brightness" under [WATER], any help?

Sure I'm interested in fixing any seams. But so far almost all that have been reported have been caused by other mods (not loading WENB later enough in your load order).

That dirt sounds like caustics indeed, in which case you would need to reduce "CausticsAmount" amount under [WATER].

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Thanks for the advice.. let me try that. I'm using Obsidian Weathers and True Storms and Rudy ENB for said weather. Stock settings. The only thing I tweaked is the water, to your specs. I will try brightness next.

My load order for the water is under all bug fixes, core mods, Weather mods, lighting mods, Flora Trees and Grass, and landscapes, then Water, then Mountains, snow, Blended Roads and textures

I swore its in that order cause MM or some mod said to go after water ? IDK, I can try moving it down and running to that spot to see. Hell, I will drag it to the bottom just for the test. The only thing its above that would possibly effect it is MM, Snow. (which for me is BDS coupled with NSUTF and finally Fluffy Snow and all patches for said mods) or Blended Roads

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Ok, so I moved Water4Enb all the way down to bottom of my list. I honestly don't like it there, as some other oddities begin to happen, but I wanted to make sure this water seam thing wasn't that. Just for the test.

So odd thing. It did indeed fix 2 water seams ! But introduced others ! lol I also spent a long time walking around trouble areas to show you more. Again, only if you care. Just trying to help or have you inadvertently help me by telling me I am doing something wrong.

Download the zip here. Map locations are included for everyone, including one video. ...

The main ones are around the Heartwood Mill bodies of water areas. And a couple in the river leading to them bigger bodies of water around the mill. And this is with WaterEnb at bottom of list. TBH not much changes when I move it back to where I had it. Just 2 seams, the rest stayed and others appeared.

Also, let me know if you want me to try anything, do anything, etc.. Here to help man. BTW, I am running Majestic Mountains and Better Dynamic Snow, No Snow Under Roof,, and all patches for said to work together. Anything under them in my LO is simple texture overhaul mods (so I think irrelevant to conflicts right ?). Before (and where I like it) is your WaterENB was right above MM. So the only thing non textural below it was MM and BDS. These are two very popular mods. Can you tell me where you like to have your water in conjunction to these 2 mods ?

Thanks bro ! Let me know from here.

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Thanks! I appreciate every effort to improve my mods.

I will check these but seeing as the seams are in a pretty prominent locations I'm assuming myself or other users would have noticed them by now. I'm guessing the issue is caused by some mods in your load order messing up the water records. The thing is that in many locations WENB makes use of vanilla water records (meaning that it doesn't contain edits for those records), so it's entirely possible that some other mods change them but WENB doesn't overwrite the records even if its last because it doesn't contain it's own records.

I think a couple of users have mentioned Majestic Mountains causing issues but I'm not familiar with it myself.

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Ahh, that makes sense. Ok, and let me not be lazy and I will strip all my mods down and run WaterForEnb on a vanilla game other than the core bug fix basics of course and enb.

I'll get back to you. And you do the same

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Well, stop the presses. lol

I ran a vanilla game and I can't find one seam. So thank you, as you said it must be a mod. Only one I can think of is MM. So I will begin to narrow it down.

This may be common knowledge, but I want to explain, as maybe it will help. But its weird, its like whatever is causing this, and the seams themselves, etc.. is more about the direction of water flow and its wave/ripple appearance. Once a seam starts, really all it is is the fact that all of a sudden there is taller wave/ripples and they no longer flow in a direction. I mean, neither looks worse or better once you're not looking at the seam, its just they don't go together.

Also, running it vanilla I see the water in general just looks different.

Anyway, once I figure out what mod it is, it would be great to hopefully work a patch. But I'll keep you posted and also if you still want, check the files I linked. As if I narrow it down to one mod (most likely MM) then thats the patch work we'd be looking at. Or we write the MM dude and ask them if they want to patch for WENB ? I don't know which is easier.

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Ok Mindflux, after serious investigation and testing I have narrowed down all my seams. I hope this helps anyone else.

So all the serious looking seams were either caused by Load order things. Or just a mod that simply causes it period to even vanilla water no matter what the load order !

WaterForEnb only has (that I found anyway) 2 issues that aren't seams, but weird rectangle and triangle things. And this is not in vanilla, but once adding W4Enb to the vanilla game they appear. But this awesome mod I found actually fixes that for some reason/somehow and even fixes other odd things around shorelines. (triangular patches texture issues, water seams, etc..) Its called Smooth Shores. Found here if you're interested: ... mods/10624

I warn you though, unfortunately Smooth Shores is not completed. I sure wish it does eventually though cause its a great mod. Also it causes a issue with Cutting Room Floor @ Frost River Farm. But making a patch for it works good ! Just make CRF override Smooth Shores in that area.

Now onto the details. Guess what ? Majestic Mountains had nothing to do with anything ! It was very odd mods that you would think doesn't/wouldn't effect water.

• "Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods" causes issues with W4Enb but doesn't in Vanilla water. Solution is to make sure W4Enb is BELOW Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods. (this one makes a little sense though admittedly. which is why I found this first). Issues documented are Seams 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 & 7b in my pics.

• "Birds and Flocks" mod causes Water seams here and there if you can believe it ! This one blew my mind. But it does. Again, this one does not cause issues with vanilla waters but does to W4Enb. Solution is to have W4Enb BELOW Birds and Flocks, but Birds and Flocks BELOW Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods. Issues documented are Seams 6 & 6b in my pics

• "WaterPlants" mod causes various seams here and there that I did not document in pics. Again, not in vanilla waters but in W4Enb. Solution is to have W4Enb BELOW WaterPlants, BUT have WaterPlants ABOVE Birds and Flocks, but WaterPlants BELOW Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods.

• "Voluptuous Grass" mod causes serious seams all over the place even in vanilla waters ! No matter what its load order is. Mainly noticeable around the BattleBornFarm river leading to Vatheim Towers. Solution to this is the mod "Smooth Shores" fixes it all beautifully.

These following ones weren't causing me problems at first because I had the load order right for them, but upon testing they did show funny issues if moved around. Thought I would document it.

• "3D Landscapes" and "TreesAddOn" neither cause seams.. BUT will cause already made seams by above mods change the seam to another odd direction. Super weird, I know, but it's true. Solution for these is to fix the seams main cause, or keep these in a load order that doesn't do that. So trees and landscapes above most of the mentioned list.

Now that that's all out the way and I hope it helps someone one day. Cause it took a lot of time ! lol Let me get into the 2 small issues Water4Enb indeed does have no matter load order and when enabled on a vanilla game that a vanilla game otherwise doesn't have. Again, the mod Smooth Shores solves this. But if you want to solve it yourself, I thought I'd take the time to point it out for you. For me, its solved and not a big deal. I'm just trying to help and share my findings is all.

At Heartwood Mill there are 2 places that have issues that are small and hard to detect, but happen with W4Enb. See pics. They are not seams, but rather a rectangle by the shore and a Triangle by the shore in 2 different places. BUT what they seem to do is play off of discolored patches under the water on the shore bed that vanilla does not, but for some reason W4Enb does and causes the surface of the water to distort the water flow within that said discoloration in the shore bed. And Smooth Shores fixes that discoloration on the shore bed therefore fixing the Waters surface for some reason.

I don't know how to steer you to the exact spot. The map won't really help so later I will take a few pics or maybe a movie clip doing a circular viewpoint before focusing on the issue spot so you can get your bearings. For now, here are the direct pics if you can find them: ...

Absolutely any other help you need or tests you want me to do, please ask. I appreciate this superior water mod and your superior embers mod so much that I will do what I can to help at any moment. Tell me best way to steer you to them exact locations and I will. (if you care that is)

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

this blows any previous water mods out of the water!
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