Skyrim particle patch for ENB

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Feuerkl1nge, thanks! Fixed now.

@Anubis Yes, that is correct and it's actually mentioned in the first post too. The ESP was from time when there was no helper plugin.

What about Immersive First Person View? ... mods/22306

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Nope, the "Immersive First Person View" is still first person view. It seems that all these mods are alike.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Damn. In the old days on LE they were in third person, but I guess they couldn't solve all the glitches they had. Which is not really surprising.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

mindflux wrote:Yes, that is correct and it's actually mentioned in the first post too. The ESP was from time when there was no helper plugin.
Wait, so just to be clear, you're saying if using ENBHelper, we should not use this Particle Patch ?

Sorry I didn't see this anywhere in first post so just want to clarify.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Infa Red - only the particle patch .esp is not needed if using ENBHelper. All the other parts of the particle patch are still needed if you want the effects that it brings.

If you are using mod organizer, disable the particle patch .esp on the right panel, if using NMM, then disable it on the plugins tab.

Or you can just delete the .esp

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

mindflux - I have done everything I can with the first person light effect, it is the way it is and can't really do anything more about it. Flickering mostly happens in some interiors, so I guess it's not a big deal.

I have another question though (if you have time) - since you are more familiar with modding, do you know how to mix two effects with NifSkope ?

I have one animated light effect on sword and one light effect that gets stretched out when sword is moving or swinging. The problem is that this stretching effect is static. I'd like to make the animated effect strecth when swinging the word. So that the animation stretches while being animated at the same time.

I attach an example nif with animated effect - how to make this effect stretch out when sword moving/swinging ?
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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

The Special Edition all-in-one version has missing textures that show up as purple in those mountain streams (I think they're called tundra transition stream or something, but double check if that's the right one you see at the Deep Folk Crossing bridge).


Tested in a vanilla game environment. I haven't checked much other than those streams yet.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Thanks Tricky, should be fixed now.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Yup, certainly something is up with the candle mesh, no matter what texture I use there is a weird blocky discoloration of the wax. he location of it changes depending on the texture I use.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Not sure if this is related to the particle patch, or whether or not the particle patch could fix it. but falling ash in my ENB looks very strange

Like white triangles.
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