Help with K-ENB flicker

fixing bugs
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Posts: 9
Joined: 21 Jan 2013, 14:38

Re: Help with K-ENB flicker

Hey guys,

Thanks for everything. No matter how major and minor. You don't HAVE TO help. That alone makes me appreciate every little bit. :)

And Kyo... no worries at all. I work in IT... I get it. Sometimes it's just not possible, or one just gets tired of responding to the same issues over and over... case and point: I could just have followed exactly what your comments/description said, and not have Precision running at all. :) There goes me using my brain and assuming that disabling the overlay would be the same thing. :P

Anyhow... screenshots and vids to follow soon. :) However, I still don't think, even with Skyrim 2K HD and Skyrim Flora Overhaul, that my images look remotely similar to your guys' though...? Maybe it's because of my 21" Samsung's only doing 1650x1080?

BTW, what cued me in to what the problem was, was when I used the 1.32 wrapper, after trying the injector version succesfully, and saw that the same issue was there. So I thought it may be some type of overlay that was causing the problem. Since Precision was still running, but had the overlay disabled, I figured killing it might help and sure enough it did.
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