TES Skyrim 0.145

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.145

Holy check...
Now that hit my computer hard. Yay now i have a reason to upgrade it :D

Basically i was using every effect in full quality and size scale 1.0 for SSAO and reflections. Reflections had SuperSampling on. Turning that off gave me 35+ fps. So i cannot use supersampling reflections for now.
Found nothing buggy so far. Going to test in a lot of location later.

Boris you have done a excellent job with SSAO.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.145

Are the shadow settings used at all anymore? The settings don't seem to be having any effect on them one way or another.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.145

Restart the game to apply some shadow properties (including "UseDetailedShadows").
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.145

Hey guys, the 0.145 enb doesn#t work for me. The 0.144 does.

neither the game nor the launcher of skyrim is starting correctly. its creating a window and then nothing (small window on the top left corner of the screen, the launcher just popps up the launcher window without Font)

with 0.144 its all ok my graphicscard is ATI HD 7870

i hope that there is a fix for that :) love this enb's its incredible. :)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.145

Filter 0 is AMAZING :shock:
I love the sharpness it introduces, and it's fantastic to have this option.
Now, that's GREAT work Boris.
Will update setup today.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.145

Reload mod, i did mistake with naming files, so you probably downloaded it in first hours after i released it.

To all
Ssao performance decreased and increased it's quality, in general. What changed compared to 0.144 (and these have negative performance impact):

* restored spiral sampling distribution instead of experiment with line sampling (which used in battlefield 3, but looks more noisy for me, i forgot to compare in 0.144), this is about 3% slower on my rig.
* sampling distribution is shifted according to 3d data of space to reduce reading textures where occluders rarely appear, this decreased performance for me at 15%, but greatly increased quality and details.
* noise functions have linear distance distribution of sampling points around each pixel, this increase precision for small details, but gives triangulation artifacts when looking very close on to character skins (geometry not subdivided enough).
* fixed triangulation artifact at low distances from camera, actual only for 0.145 version (but this have very little performance impact)
* changed ssil code to use maximal dynamic flow control in shader to reduce texture reads when not required (this is slower on my videocard, but guess modern should be faster on the contrary).
* increased detail of source textures lods, this affect performance very much when SamplingRange increase and SourceTextureScale is big (1.0).
* changed downsampling code when SourceTextureScale<0.8, it use aliasing/flickering reducing code, it affect performance, but about 1% even on my videocard.

All other changes are for ssao filter (computed in multiple passes after ssao/ssil):
* added variable FilterType (0,1,2,3,4) to select processing shader, old very blurry bilateral filter was set to FilterType=4. FilterType=0 is about 3 times slower than 4.
* FilterType 0-3 have lower performance by arithmetic and texture reading both. These filter decrease blurring for areas of image where it matters, basically 0-3 values differ by performance (how precise computed) and how sharp filter and old one mixed together.
* added code which removes small white point flickering when they unfiltered, mostly visible on grass (performance impact is unnoticable)
* FilterType 0-3 use additional sampling to remove small unfiltered lines, which mostly annoy on edges of hair.

EDIT: i found 1-2 months ago solution to increase ssao speed in 2-3 times and have another two invented after that to make it faster in 5-8 times, but this will not be done in the mod, such code for sale only for companies.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.145

Hi Boris. I have just update from 0143
First, ssao is awesome. Congratulations! fps have decreseased but I still have 40-50 fps in outdoors ^_^

Now, the question :P
I have noticed that reflections are less powerfull now. For example, columns hardly reflect on the floor in Dragonsreach. I have tried raising reflection amunt, but then noise come up. I don't understand well what new parameters as GlosinessMin, GlosinessMax, EnableDenoiser, etc do. Any tips to make the reflections look more like before?

EDIT: Ok, nevermind, fixed. I have set min and max glossiness to 0 and my reflections are alive again :D
Btw, reflections supersampling is impressive!, but this DO kill my fps :( (from 70 to 40 indoors), anyway I can live without it, I guess :)
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.145

What is the real difference between AOAmount and AOIntensity?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.145

SSAO and Reflections not working in Riften(check the Temple of Mara) interiors for some reason for me(I have only fps drop from it not the image effects), does they work there for anybody?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.145

@ Wolfstryder

AOamount adds AO shadows while AOintensity increases the strength of the AO shadows.
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