Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Umh, that's what you're up to now? I guess it's not going to be easy with the way the clouds are composed in Skyrim. I haven't really seen any impressive cloud mods yet (except for the stuff hlvrn posted ages ago, but I guess his project is now dead), but I'm looking forward to what you can cook up. It's a shame Skyrim doesn't have volumetric clouds, but of course not that surprising.

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Not exactly, it's just something I will try to do in the future, I have to much on my hands already to start anything new right now. But I have been wanting to do it for a while now, as you yourself said there aren't many good cloud textures out there.

"Everything is easy, if you take your time with it to learn it right" ;) One of my motto's I go by

Dramatic Clouds is for me the best all around non-vanilla cloud textures, then there are some clouds in CoT and Sun and Clouds textures but not all of them. hlvrn? did he realease his textures?? Can't remeber seing that name on any cloud texture mod I've tried and downloaded. I think however I read that someone is doing new cloud textures for Realistic Lighting 4.0, not 100% certain but 90% atleast. Hopefully it will be some good looking textures to be used with and without RL 4.0. I think it was this guy who was set in charge of that -> PlayerTw0

It really is, but if it did have it I would think that it was either very buggy or not looking very good.

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

hlvr hasn't released his textures yet. There is a new topic where he recently spoke about where he is on his project. He said it isn't dead, which is encouraging. He also said he has improved on his modding abilities.

By the looks of his teaser shots, I'd have to agree! :o ... __22008827

My pics on Flickr

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

DAAAMN :shock:

I guess I really don't need to do anything about it myself by the look of those pictures :D Thanks for sharing that wonderful info Far327.

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Thanks for the info far327, looks damn good indeed. Really good to hear hlvr has resurrect his project. Even the stuff he posted last year looked very impressive, but it's obvious that he's been perfecting his skills since. It's also great to see that he's still aiming for a realistic look and not going over to top because it means that his modifications will most likely get fine along with ENB. Looking forward.

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Found some nice photos for inspiration! I use to live here... Idyllwild California :) The photos are all from there.

My pics on Flickr

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Nice additions Far327 :)

Was a while since I checked this thread :lol:

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Yeah thanks, really cool shots. I can also see some real pines :D Damn I miss California.

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Actually resembles Sweden in quite alot of ways and some not of course :) The pines for one look a bit different in California then here in Sweden.

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Absolutely, especially northern Cali doesn't look too different to Finland either ;) It's pretty much like everything just has a grander scale.

If I'm not mistaken, those trees that don't look like our pines are redwood, most likely Sequoia, as they are very common there.
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