ENBSeries wrote:Matso
Users can't make lenz fx for sun with standart texture and you asking about volume texture? Every feature must be as simple and useful as possible, 2d texture atlas cover all needs for effect, even interpolation can be easily done and it's fast.
Average color in time sounds better, but it's very specific changes, so better not to define new standart for shaders, but to create new one. Which and when it should be processed?
What I meant about the texture is to have it say of sizes 256x256x8 and be able to apply diffrent sun sprites per pass (e.g. one is octagonal, one round, another triangle, next is some pack spracks etc.). But provided a bigger 2D texture (say 1024x1024) I can do the same with some tiles applied - so does't matter, all in all
About the second feature - I'd like to experiment with burn-out effect - when you gaze at a much bright light source and you turn the head away sometimes you get bright dots before your eyes glowing for some time (left behind in the place seconds ago the light source was). It is most often visible when one gazes at the sun. Color average can also be helpful in doing effects related with burn-out (e.g. narrowing of field of view, due to bright light sources in sight).
Above all, the moment of processing such effects could happen "arround" the bloom code, so I think.