I was checking this topic for a last few weeks and have seen many incredible shots here. And now I'm waiting when you guys will finish your work and give us some magic .114 skylighting presets =)
Anyway, I've started a new game with some hardcore mods(HBE+IMCN+Frostfall+DeadlyDragons+Harder lockpicking,etc...) and now really enjoy that complex gameplay.
Some shots here. And don't be tricked by the changing look of my characters, they've changed their appearance few times, someone even changed his sex... hmm.
A couple shots with TV ENB 2.3
A little more, using True Vision Cinematic 1.6
And finally the preset I'm current digging in, True Vision 4th Gen+greyscale pallette + "Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel" + "Warmer and Brighter Lights"
Just a few Windhelm shots, start to tweak it last night:
That's all for now, going to share new shots if I get some luck with tweaking.