TES Skyrim 0.121 beta

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.121 beta

Seems fixed bug with specular when parallax fix enabled. But i remember that something wrong with vanilla shaders of parallax, computation is wrong completely, without using tangent and binormal vectors, so i don't know how to make the mod working properly, with correct specular and wrong parallax directions (but they will not flicker at least) or to try to find all parallax shaders and fix them manually by adding specular correct code and tangent space transform.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.121 beta

Okay, i fount best compromize with parallax fix. Specular work fine for all objects, but only not for parallax applied. Don't see any parallax shader which use specular, but this not guarantee bugs free mode, because game create shaders when they needed and i not player.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.121 beta

NP Boris, it's great you already fixed some things. ;)
We players will do testing in every areas. :D
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.121 beta

Finally could test new version (first downloadable release of 0.121, haven't updated yet).
Can confirm huge performance boost, from around 20 fps to something just over 30.
Running Radeon 6850 with 1GB vram here, many HD textures, parallax mod and a lot of other, but mostly not graphic related mods.
Will test latest release asap.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.121 beta

Performance boost is clearly visible on my end (with gtx 560)
Anyone else run into problems with weapon glows with this version? certain glows no longer exist (unless I shift+f12 to turn enb off) and certain glows that are naturally blue have now turned sharp red. Could be an issue with my settings but seems to work fine on .120 and below.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.121 beta

Could be the pretty much the same as with the window issue above, i.e. the parameters are not read from enbseries.ini.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.121 beta

Yes, glow are because of windows bug.

Don't know what the hell is going on with my hardware, but seems it working properly only in some days of month. Probably you all heard many times that i had many issues in Skyrim and coldn't even play more than 30-40 seconds without bsod. Now it's back again, i never do anything, no new software, nothing! May be i paranoid, but as understood last 10 days of each month make the bugs appear again, could this be a gift from nvidia? My previous videocard died because they did something with drivers, this one live longer and stable in games. This is not overheating, because in Deus Ex 3 bsod or driver fail with 8 bit colors is after 10-20 seconds. Now i turned on sky lighting as testing new changes, Skyrim started to act the same as month before that, freezing for 2-4 seconds each 10-20 seconds and after few freezes ctd without any message. Sometime false triangles in 3d space from center, this happen mostly when video memory corrupted or overheating, but it's not. This bug always bring me on the knees and stopping to develop in bad mood. Does anyone have similar issues when sky lighting enabled? I tested older mods too, same problem. Tomorrow will replace termalpaste on gpu, but for sure nothing change.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.121 beta

ENBSeries wrote:Yes, glow are because of windows bug.

Don't know what the hell is going on with my hardware, but seems it working properly only in some days of month. Probably you all heard many times that i had many issues in Skyrim and coldn't even play more than 30-40 seconds without bsod. Now it's back again, i never do anything, no new software, nothing! May be i paranoid, but as understood last 10 days of each month make the bugs appear again, could this be a gift from nvidia? My previous videocard died because they did something with drivers, this one live longer and stable in games. This is not overheating, because in Deus Ex 3 bsod or driver fail with 8 bit colors is after 10-20 seconds. Now i turned on sky lighting as testing new changes, Skyrim started to act the same as month before that, freezing for 2-4 seconds each 10-20 seconds and after few freezes ctd without any message. Sometime false triangles in 3d space from center, this happen mostly when video memory corrupted or overheating, but it's not. This bug always bring me on the knees and stopping to develop in bad mood. Does anyone have similar issues when sky lighting enabled? I tested older mods too, same problem. Tomorrow will replace termalpaste on gpu, but for sure nothing change.
no such issue occurred on my nvidia video card.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.121 beta


it could be a problem in power supply unit? when video card is going on full force its not getting the needed power
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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.121 beta

ENBSeries wrote:Yes, glow are because of windows bug.

Don't know what the hell is going on with my hardware, but seems it working properly only in some days of month. Probably you all heard many times that i had many issues in Skyrim and coldn't even play more than 30-40 seconds without bsod. Now it's back again, i never do anything, no new software, nothing! May be i paranoid, but as understood last 10 days of each month make the bugs appear again, could this be a gift from nvidia? My previous videocard died because they did something with drivers, this one live longer and stable in games. This is not overheating, because in Deus Ex 3 bsod or driver fail with 8 bit colors is after 10-20 seconds. Now i turned on sky lighting as testing new changes, Skyrim started to act the same as month before that, freezing for 2-4 seconds each 10-20 seconds and after few freezes ctd without any message. Sometime false triangles in 3d space from center, this happen mostly when video memory corrupted or overheating, but it's not. This bug always bring me on the knees and stopping to develop in bad mood. Does anyone have similar issues when sky lighting enabled? I tested older mods too, same problem. Tomorrow will replace termalpaste on gpu, but for sure nothing change.
.... Not sure that EVERYTHING is related to your GPU Boris. Sure Nvidia is acting nuts nowadays (latest beta drivers are ALL unstable, even getting flickering with web browers :D since they seem to be developped for Keplers and Win8 more than for 4 and 5 series and Win7...), but latest Skyrim patches are horrible. is your skyrim patched to latest version ? Did you, by any chance, have a talk with Alexander about the "memory optimizations" Bugthesda implemented in last patches ?
Seems to me there are some new bottlenecks somewhere and since last patches, my Skyrim acted strange as well.... silent CTDs, no message, no scripts log, no memory max usage, nothing....
Lian Li PC011 Dynamic, Corsair AX 1500i PSU, i9 10850K @5.0 Ghz, Aorus Z490 Ultra, RTX3090 MSI Gaming X Trio, 32GB Corsair Vengeance Pro RGB RAM@3600, Corsair MP600 1TB NVME System Drive, 10 TB Storage, W10 Pro 64, Custom Hard Tubing Watercooling Loop
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