TES Skyrim 0.246

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

joshezzell wrote:Boris, in the next version can we get an option to disable ENB in the Creation Kit? It causes a couple issues. Even if you turn it off with shift+F12, certain fog meshes render bright white making it impossible to see what's behind them (the water rapids mesh also renders incorrectly when ENB activates with the CK). It also makes the render window respond very slowly when re-sizing it.

Here is an images of the issue:

I just want an option. I don't think many people use ENB in the CK to begin with.
Create a Creation-Kit.bat or Creation-Kit.cmd file and put this content in that file. Launch creation kit using the file.

Code: Select all

@echo Starting CreationKit...
@ren d3d9.dll d3d9.dll.disabled
@ren d3d9.dll.disabled d3d9.dll

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

No way, i never said that and will not develop such feature.

EDIT: forget about my previous post, i don't want to work with clouds lighting, this is too high complexity for users, volumetric clouds is the right choice.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

SymJ wrote:Create a Creation-Kit.bat or Creation-Kit.cmd file and put this content in that file. Launch creation kit using the file.

Code: Select all

@echo Starting CreationKit...
@ren d3d9.dll d3d9.dll.disabled
@ren d3d9.dll.disabled d3d9.dll
Thank you very much SymJ. I will try this out.

To everyone else; Yes, I could remove the .dll every time. This gets tedious when creating a mod and often launching the game to test. I tried doing it before and it got tedious. Especially if you are working on things that require ENB (like parallax).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

ENBSeries wrote:i don't want to work with clouds lighting, this is too high complexity for users
Just to understand, why is it so complex ?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

Version updated, download again
Added CloudsEdgeFadeRange parameter to control sun scattering for clouds and changed it algorithm to not depend from texture of sun. Added Density and SkyColorAmount parameters for volumetric sun rays. Fixed previous bug of procedural sun visibility even when set to zero.

Complexity of making water displacement as waves height data is nothing compared to height of cumulus clouds, the depth of them from viewpoint. This means that to make normal map for existing clouds, modder must create 3d model of the cloud based on cloud photo, to rasterize it's depth. Even pro users of ZBrush say you "go to hell".
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

Not sure why but now using your latest wrapper, and noticed in 3rd person and 1st two water displacements one projected far from my charcaters body and in front.

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Obsidian Weathers and Luminous ENB.
ENB 0.402

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

Post screenshots, make the same test with older version, toggle each effect on/off to detect which affect issue.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

It was inside a cave and now I can not seem to replicate it, so in a way thats great.

So we can leave it to the oddities of skyrim engine I guess... :roll:
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Obsidian Weathers and Luminous ENB.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

Confidence-Man wrote:Boris at one point you had talked about adding the ability to have separate enbeffect files to go along with weathers, is that still possible?
I guess you are struggling to deal with DNI separated fx files and the vanilla weathers that do not have a day/night cycle... same here, real pain to deal with... more specifically weather ids 10199f, 105941, 42, 43, 44, 45, 105f40, 10d9ec, 10fef8, 48c14, 923fd ... and probably missed a few there too :p Just cant get those to look 100% right. Just keep sunrise, day, sunset values the same and tweak night lighting to 'as close as possible' match the daytime lighting... depending on how different your DN values are in fx files it's sorta possible :p

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246


You are a madman and a genius all at once!

The new features are just what was required to make the procedual sun really shine! It is actually possible to have the sun look more like the ones modern game engines now! Thanks for this great work!

Cant wait to see what you figure out with clouds!

Now if only I could get this damn shader that blurs the area close to the sun done then it would be even better! Oh well another day another set of experiments!
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