TES Skyrim 0.209

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TES Skyrim 0.209

The Elder Scrolls Skyrim (TES Skyrim, Скурим Свитки)

Graphic mod / patch ENBSeries 0.209

This version based on 0.207, but added VideoMemorySizeMb variable instead of automatic detection, so everybody with performance issues, freezing and stuttering, tweak it properly and don't bother me without reason, all bugs are on your side. This parameter mean how much memory used as vram for my memory manager, if very low, then frequent reallocations will happen, so lower performance, but more stable against not loading saved games (DisablePreloadToVRAM too). Value above size of physical video memory is allowed, but you have risk to get errors because of drivers and other software (but this must not happen if system is clean and user is smart), useful to try for 64-bit systems with more than 4 gb system memory installed and not much vram, performance must be better. Don't set it bigger than VRAM+RAM-2048. This value do not add any memory usage to the game process (but ReservedMemorySizeMb do).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.209


VideoMemorySizeMb=6144 for my titan really good idea

Good Job :)

Edit : finally 0.206 better for me less stutters and no fps drop in riverwood
Last edited by ecryuken on 23 Aug 2013, 20:49, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.209

Set video memory to 1024 and loaded the game. Looked okay for a few seconds, then fps rapidly dropped to .1... Game was still running (didn't become unresponsive in task manager) but was obviously unplayable at that frame rate. Tried that four times, two sifferent save positions, same trip. I'm moving back to 208. That one was working pretty well for me.

Granted, I am using an older card (OCd 4890), but it has been keeping up famously so far.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.209

ENBSeries wrote:The Elder Scrolls Skyrim (TES Skyrim, Скурим Свитки)

Graphic mod / patch ENBSeries 0.209

This version based on 0.207, but added VideoMemorySizeMb variable instead of automatic detection, so everybody with performance issues, freezing and stuttering, tweak it properly and don't bother me without reason, all bugs are on your side. This parameter mean how much memory used as vram for my memory manager, if very low, then frequent reallocations will happen, so lower performance, but more stable against not loading saved games (DisablePreloadToVRAM too). Value above size of physical video memory is allowed, but you have risk to get errors because of drivers and other software (but this must not happen if system is clean and user is smart), useful to try for 64-bit systems with more than 4 gb video memory installed and not much vram, performance must be better. Don't set it bigger than VRAM+RAM-2048. This value do not add any memory usage to the game process (but ReservedMemorySizeMb do).
i guess this should have read system memory ;)
cool that we can tweak your memory manager for our own use cases and system configurations now thx Boris :)
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.209

Runs perfectly for me with VideoMemorySizeMb set to actual VRAM - no stutter or freezes, very smooth

Experimented with some higher values of VideoMemorySizeMb but caused freezes for me, may work for other users (not complaining just wanted to try it out) But set correctly the new parameter works very well.

Thanks Boris - excellent work as usual! :D

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.209

With everything set precisely how it was with 208 (which was running very smoothly), I have tried many different Vram sizes, all with the same result: Okay for a few seconds, then FPS drop to less than one. 208 still works wonderfully. I have to laugh at the 'all bugs are on the user' claim, when 208 was working and 209 is definitely not, regardless of stock enbseries.ini vram settings or tweaked ones. Please tell me where the bug lies on my side...? LOL

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.209

Are you idiot or trying to look stupid? Read fucking description!!!
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.209

I 'read fucking description', Boris. I'm not a fucking idiot at all, what is your trip? I set the video ram to match my card, left evertyhing else alone (from 208 settings), and 209 fails miserably every single time. Why be a total prick? Point out what you think I failed to consider in the description.

I also tried other vram settings, lower and higher, and the game responds precisely the same way regardless. I can go back to 208 and it's just fine. I don't get why you're being hostile. I want you to tell me how this bug is on MY side.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.209

I tried VideoMemorySizeMb=4096 for the experiment, and Skyrim runs kinda smoother now. Thanks for the new version.

Or was it my imagination... Or was it the fact that it were the second run of Skyrim...
I should try that SPM tool i guess.
Last edited by Uriel24 on 23 Aug 2013, 23:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.209

Hello Boris/everyone,

I've been lurking here for months and following what's going on. I finally decided to register and post (and hopefully I can make it through the spam filter on my first few posts :P ). I just wanted to say I downloaded and tested 0.209 and it works as beautifully, if not more so, than 0.207. I set my VideoMemorySizeMb=2560 and I have a HD 7870 2gb card and in my preliminary testing I'm getting similar or slightly better performance compared to 0.207 (1-3 fps maybe). Anyways, thanks for doing this and I hope to be around and assist in testing a bit more.


I'm gonna try setting some higher values and see how it goes. I have 12GB DDR3 ram so I have a little overhead to work with hopefully.
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