enboost + stutter,vsync and aa

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enboost + stutter,vsync and aa

Hi everybody. I have been struggling with enboost for few days now. Trying to figure our most optimal settings for me. Tweaking this and that.

My initial problem when using enboost was stuttering: no matter what i changed or how much i changed stutter was always there. Stable 60 fps ( 100 if not limiting ) and in outdoors 40-60.

I managed to completely fix this stutter by placing iFPSClamp=60 in skyrim.ini but that introduced slow motion problem, so i had to remove that line.

One thing i should mention in here that i managed to "kind of" fixed stuttering by disabling enboosts vsync, but by doing it completely overrides other vsync settings... For example: when EnableVSync=false and iPresentInterval=1 (in skypref.ini) then i have severe screen tearing; and no matter what i do i cannot remove this tearing even with external vsync features, such as nvidia inspectors "force vsync on" feature. I tried completely disabling all three vsyncs, in enblocal, skypref and nvidia inspector and limiting frame rates to 59 or 60 (60mhz monitor) but that didnt fix screentearing >>> and all this basically makes me use enboosts vsync in enblocal.ini, which as i mentioned earlier makes my game stutter.

as pc settings are absolutely unimportant, because i can run all hd mods on stable fps, but for the sake of troubleshooting i am not doing that, while i try to fix stutter in vanilla skyrim.

http://pastebin.com/3WGpsWm4 this is my enblocal.ini file.

Before you go and suggest me to change [MEMORY] tweaks - i have already tried FALSE and TRUE on all of them.

Another thing i wanted to ask: does enboost override AA & FXAA as well ? because no matter what 0 or 8 AA doesnt seem to work for me.

ps. game also crashes when trying to use enb with D3DOverrider (which has good vsync option for nvidia card users)

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Re: enboost + stutter,vsync and aa

D3DOverrider have bug and unsupported, it's vsync do not differ from any other vsync type, because they are all the same, only can be turned on or off, there is no other option.
ENBSeries do not change antialiasing, but if antialiasing enabled, then most of mod features disabled. ENBoost only ignorant to everything and do not change any graphics.
EnableVSync parameter work not like you think, it disable vsync when set to false, but if set to true, then it use game setting for vsync.
Finally stuttering... What the heck is that? I see a lot of complains about that thing, but it means absolutely different things for users. Screen tearing is what i understand, but stuttering at 60 fps? I don't think this is fixable if user have this issue initially, whatever it is (drivers, software, os and game setting, hardware...).
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Re: enboost + stutter,vsync and aa

Stutter - это обычно вот когда стабильный хороший фпс, но несмотря на это при движении камеры появляются милисекундные фризы.
Без буста, в ванильном скайриме есть хороший стабильный фпс и нет вот этих фризов, а вот с енббустом ( без графических примочек ) появляются вот эти фризы. Причём, как я понял, тестируя последние несколько дней, эти фризы можно вылечить если отключить вертикальную синхронизацию из enblocal.ini, но тогда насколько я понял из твоего предыдущего поста, вырубаются все в.синхронизации, что в свою очередь лечит одну проблему, но ведёт к другой: появляется screen tearing. Тогда, в этом случае нужно приметять fpslimiter. Вот здесь то какраз и очередная проблема, что хоть fpslimiter=~60 (у меня 60 герц монитор), но screen tearing всё равно присутствует. Тоесть, я вылечил одно (выключив синхронизацию) но появилась новая проблема.
EDIT: стоит добавить, что вот эти самые фризы, проявляют себя в интерьерах, снаружи/на природе фризы не замечаются, а если и замечаются, то явно не в такой интенсивности и не через каждые два шага.
EDIT2: если в enblocal:
то микрофризы всё равно присутсвуют, как и ранее.
НО (!) если выключить фпс лимит в енблокал и включить в nvidia inspector то фризы исчезают, но появляется рассинхронизация, как при отключённом vsync, даже несмотря на то что он включён в енблокал.

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Re: enboost + stutter,vsync and aa

Это не микрофризы, а рендеринг нескольких кадров вперед видеодрайвером и их отображение сразу всех. Prerendered frames count/limit меняйте в драйверах, скорость упадет, но проблема исчезнет.
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Re: enboost + stutter,vsync and aa

Have you tried toying with borderless windowed and fullscreen modes? I have intense microstutter indoors *if* borderless windowed (or forced borderless fullscreen) is enabled (with vysc & fpslimit=60). Unfortunately for me, the solution in most cases is to *enable* borderless to get rid of microstutter--I have reverse condition, so I do not use borderless anymore (I'd love to find a fix).

I mention this because microstutters are related, and I recall my earlier issues with "general" stuttering in the open-world being solved with using different screen modes. (Using a GTX 470, i7 930, driver 332.21)

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Re: enboost + stutter,vsync and aa

Kiraktikus wrote:Have you tried toying with borderless windowed and fullscreen modes? I have intense microstutter indoors *if* borderless windowed (or forced borderless fullscreen) is enabled (with vysc & fpslimit=60). Unfortunately for me, the solution in most cases is to *enable* borderless to get rid of microstutter--I have reverse condition, so I do not use borderless anymore (I'd love to find a fix).

I mention this because microstutters are related, and I recall my earlier issues with "general" stuttering in the open-world being solved with using different screen modes. (Using a GTX 470, i7 930, driver 332.21)
yes, as a matter of fact i have tried borderless, and it did work, but unfortunately that is not a sollution for me, for various reasons.
What do you mean by screen modes?
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