Former Patreon optimized version with some adjustments.
This is just the mod with default preset, download customized presets and shaders from the forum or other sites (Nexus).
Highly recommended TES Skyrim bug fix of game objects like fire, water particles, doors, vegetables, candles, etc is available here
v0.494: Ported optimizations and quality improvements from Patreon version for rain, water, underwater, sky, shadow and various minor cpu optimizations. Tweaked complex parallax a bit. Disabled parallax shadow for objects with back lighting flag to avoid visual artifacts. Added complex material to non specular meshes to fix visual bugs with lod switching by distance. Added dynamic cubemaps which activated for objects with 1px size cubemaps. Very useful to make reflective surfaces more realistic, including metallic of complex material. New parameter ApplyDynamicCubemapEverywhere in the editor window is not stored in the enbseries.ini for compatibility with mods which strongly require static cubemaps, so if you need this effect, activate parameter ApplyDynamicCubemapEverywhere every time. Added EnableDynamicCubemap parameter to toggle effect globally. Fixed bug with non updating exterior cubemap when forced dynamic cubemap everywhere parameter is disabled. Fixed overly bright dynamic cubemaps, which was caused by math of static cubemaps. Added reflection parameters to the [EYE] category and applied dynamic cubemaps to eyes. Added skylighting influence on dynamic cubemaps and default cubemap texture as modders resource. Adjusted clouds shadows to make them visible in reflections at bigger distances. Added default parameter support of dropdown menu item. Improved detection of WindowLight to stop spell decals from glowing.
v0.493: Ported optimized complex parallax from Patreon version.
v0.488: Fixed various bugs with water and made sharper looking displacement. Other minor bug fixes for water. Changed screenshots location to "screenshots" folder instead of game root. Decreased startup time as part of global optimization in progress. Added properly casted caustics on the water bottom from character waves. Removed static decals as no mod released with them and game have bug for them which i fixed, but that fix made dynamic decals not work properly (as they do not have game bug), such as footprints and hits from spells. Added workaround for reported black dots on bodies, maybe caused by some mod or driver bug. Fixed crash with complex grass enabled for some AMD users. Fixed noisy shadows for AMD users. Fixed underwater caustics not applied properly with some mods which change sky mesh. Fixed stuttering issue caused by power management of some videocards. Improved quality of subsurface scattering effect. Removed quality parameter of subsurface scattering as it was not used for long. Fixed some vanilla hairs for image based lighting and particle lighting when using specular. Fixed compatibility with NAT sky mesh which incorrectly worked with particle lights. Added UseLinearMath to the [RAYS] category to make sun rays work properly with high sun intensities.
v0.484: Added [COMPLEXMATERIAL] category and support of dielectric and metallic materials. Complex material type also allow to use parallax on it. Details about implementation you can ask on the forum or in the discord or wait until someone make a guide. Fixed bug with range of particle lights was dependent from field of view. Fixed vanilla god rays for iNumSplits=3 (default is 2) parameter of SkyrimPrefs.ini, which is number of shadow cascades. Now possible to have higher quality longer range shadows. Fixed eyes and some transparent hairs for complex particle lights. Added ReflectionCubemapInterior parameter to [WATER] category. Moved parallax parameters to the enbseries.ini. Fixed blending bug with some types of particle lights. Fixed game refraction bugs for glass and added support of thickness adjusting of it as alpha channel of texture. Optimized ExpandHDR performance for water. Minor visual improvements to complex particle and fire lights. Restored fix for transparent hairs in water reflections which looks green there. Fixed size of complex particles when sky mesh is scaled. Removed shader caching functionality as it not works because of some skse plugin or mod manager which replaces file access functions. Applied minor cpu performance optimizations. Fixed bug when skylighting makes terrain in some areas dark. Added parameter EnableComplexMaterial because people are lazy to fix their mistakes.
v0.483: Added terrain blending effect. Improved performance of complex parallax. Fixed game bug when some objects in water reflection have yellow-green color. Added ability to load and replace decal textures inside the game to simplify their editing, check profiler tab of editor window. Added depth bias for transparent parallax meshes to avoid z-fighting. Complex parallax decals also can be made from usual meshes to support their transparency.
v0.482: Added complex parallax effect for terrain, it adds two pass parallax occlusion mapping. Added shadows for complex terrain parallax, from sun light and all point lights.
v0.481: Added complex parallax effect, it is disabled by default and replaces game one by the two pass parallax occlusion mapping. Added shadows for complex parallax, from sun light and all point lights, even those not casting shadows.
v0.480: Added aurora borealis rendering to IBL effect. Changed reflective IBL to be the same as in Skyrim LE. Made SpecularPowerMultiplier of complex grass dependent from global specular power of [ENVIRONMENT] category. For [RAINWETSURFACES] and [WETSURFACES] categories added several specular related parameters similar to Skyrim LE version.
v0.477: Fixed clouds shadow effect for close range objects with cubemaps and specular. Added dropdown box support for shader variables, example for it added to the enbeffect.fx. Added ExpandHDR parameter to the [WATER] category which is required if you are using sky intensities over 25, but it may decrease performance on SLI or other multi gpu setups. Added SpecularFromLight parameters similar to old Skyrim version. Increased precision of some parameters ten times by request. Added CubemapAmountMultiplier and CubemapCurve parameters to [ENVIRONMENT] category. Reduced line transition bug some meters away from camera of skylighting effect. Added new parameters to access in the ENB SDK, like weather and time. Added SpecularPowerMultiplier parameter for complex grass. Reduced darkness following camera of skylighting effect.
v0.475: Added grass collisions effect. Added shadows from point lights to the complex grass. Replaced shadow bias for point and spot lights by own code to fix visibility of polygons. Added UseOriginalUVAtlas parameter to the [RAIN] category which enable vanilla uv coordinates for rain texture. Fixed bloom bug if RenderTarget1024 is used in the lens shader. Increased maximal intensity limits for various parameters to 30000. Disabled effects for custom game menu screens. Parameter IgnoreLoadingScreen also controls menu. Added EnableInterior parameter for complex grass. Fixed bug of FogAmountMultiplier not applied to water. Fixed one waterfall shader not influenced by lighting parameters of [ENVIRONMENT] category.
v0.473: Removed original objects processing. Added lighting to the grass. Added complex grass effect which use tangent space normal map in the bottom of diffuse map to draw grass with sun lighting, subsurface scattering and specular. Specular amount is in alpha channel of normal map. Subsurface scattering amount is in the left bottom corner of normal map texture. Grass mesh must have vertex normals. Added category [COMPLEXGRASS] and EnableComplexGrass parameter.
v0.469: Added wireframe visualization to profiler category of editor. Allow negative values for DirectLightingDesaturation and PointLightingDesaturation parameters.
v0.466: Added requested IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior parameters to simplify tweaking. Added OptimizeSmallRange to complex particle and fire lights. When disabled, small particles can be scaled up like in Skyrim LE version but at cost of performance. Added LightingInfluence to the [SNOW] category. Added shadows to the snow particles. Added depth bias to skylighting effect to reduce darkness of terrain when bDrawLandShadows=1 set. Potentially fixed clouds shadows always enabled if sky don't have any clouds layer with custom weathers.
v0.464: Added separate ILMultiplierSSS and AOMultiplierSSS parameters for interiors. Added [SNOW] category and game snow is now influenced by ambient and directional light properties. Added LightParameters, TextureSunMask from enbsunsprite.fx to enblens.fx shader.
v0.463: Fixed game subsurface scattering noise bug from point lights. Partially removed shader cache optimization from version 0.440 because it makes terrain parallax not togglable if cache files are not deleted. Added requested parameter IgnoreLoadingScreen to enblocal.ini. Added SkyColorAmount to the [RAYS] category to fix difference between sun rays and sky color for some presets. Raised upper limits of SkyColorAmount of [RAYS] and [VOLUMETRICRAYS] categories. Fixed sun rays bug when intensity is applied twice making effect. Fixed bug when sky parameters were not applied for volumetric and usual sun rays. Fixed weird colors when skylighting and ambient occlusion are both enabled. Partially fixed color issues with some mixing types of ambient occlusion caused by vertex colors of the meshes. Made changes to point and spot shadows to reduce issues with window's shadow mods. Added time of the day separation for CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplier parameter. Fixed GUI scrolling bug after preset is reloaded.
v0.462: Added parallax fix and parallax terrain as optional parameter in [EFFECT] category. Fixed eye shadow bug which appears with some eye mods.
v0.460: Added shadow quality parameter for directional light. Fixed bug in shadow of game point light type. Sorted list of shaders in shader editor window according to their execution order. Added EnableShadow and EnableVolumetricShadow parameters to [WATER] category similar to Skyrim LE. Added quality parameter for water volumetric shadows. Increased quality of water shadows. Added water lighting same as Skyrim LE version have. Fixed game water temporal antialiasing bug with LDR clamping of values. Forced FXAA for the water. Fixed water amplitude not properly working for some water types. Disabled shallow color for far distance water lod to make it fit regular water. Added FresnelMin, FresnelMax, WetMultiplier parameters for water. Added cloud shadows for water. Improved sun scattering of water. Improved water deepness calculation to fix refraction. Fixed water reflection artifacts behind character. Fixed ssao/ssil dependency from field of view.
v0.454: Optimized CPU based performance of the mod. Fixed crashes with some overlay tools. Added volumetric fog opacity parameter same as in old Skyrim. Disabled mod for game menu and loading screen. May not work with some mods.
v0.452: Improved quality of screen space reflection. Forced it to be computed only for water to avoid game visual bugs for non water objects, especially interiors. Added parameter to disable reflections for interiors. Increased quality of ambient occlusion. Added requested AOMultiplierSSS and ILMultiplierSSS parameters to adjust effect for bodies. Disabled subsurface scattering effect for objects with rim lighting and no soft lighting at same time. Fixed subdermal color cropping bug of subsurface scattering. Added EnableSeparateInteriorParameters and BigRangeScaleInterior parameters to complex fire and particle lights.
v0.448: Added screen space reflection effect as replacement of game one for better quality. Fixed glitches of detailed shadow under grass. Lowest value of grass directional and ambient parameters is decreased. Added QualityInterior to [REFLECTION] category.
v0.445: Added multipass support for enbeffect.fx shader. Added BloomSize variable to enbbloom.fx and enbeffect.fx shaders. Increased deepness of detailed shadow to fix some issues. Replaced enbbloom.fx shader by slower and higher quality version with tweakable parameters.
v0.440: Improved caching of shaders to reduce startup time, it is no more dependent from changes made to preset. Highly recommended to use ShaderCache=true in your presets as it only take long to compile in first run. Added SpecularPower parameter to complex particle and fire lights. Fixed wrong colors of ssao interiors. Changed CausticAmount for underwater to weather dependent. Disabled stars tweaking for water reflection to avoid weird bugs.
v0.437: Increased quality of detailed shadows. Added detailed shadows to several interior light types. Increased precision of game shadows. Fixed black eyes bug caused by detailed shadow effect. Added LightAmountMultiplier parameter to [EYE] category. ILBrightnessCompression parameter is made time of the day dependent. Fixed flickering shadows issue for some presets.
v0.435: Added normal mapping shadows effect for sun light, complex particle and fire lights. Optimized performance a little of complex particles and fire lights. Added desaturation parameter for game volumetric rays.
v0.427: Added EnableOldSSS parameter to [SUBSURFACESCATTERING] to mimic effect for Skyrim LE. Fixed tint of hairs tweaked by ColorPow parameter. Fixed eyes when o riginal objects processing is enabled.
v0.423: Added int UIHidden=1 annotation support to parameters of shaders to not display them in editor, but access via enbseries sdk. Fixed not working DirectLightingColorFilterAmount parameter. Fixed ambient not worked properly when clouds shadow is active.
v0.421: Added ScreenshotFormat parameter to enblocal.ini to switch bmp, png and jpg files. Added HighResolutionScaling parameter to enblocal.ini for increasing size of editor if using very high resolutions. Added SurfaceBrightness parameters to [SUBSURFACESCATTERING]. Fixed slices bug (holes) of game screen space reflection of the water. Fixed black areas of wet surfaces effect when cubemap enabled and some mods installed which render negative color of object to cubemap.
v0.417: AmbientLightingDesaturation is changed to support negative values to mimic curve parameter from old skyrim for free by performance. Added Brightness parameter to [WATER] category.
v0.415: Added wet surfaces and rain wet surfaces. This effect in SE do not have specular map parameters because it's not rasterised like old Skyrim mod have.
v0.412: Increased quality of detailed shadows and shadow from point light sources. Added FieldOfView parameter to shaders the same as old skyrim mod have.
v0.409: Added FogColorFilter and FogColorFilterAmount parameters to [ENVIRONMENT] category the same as in old Skyrim version of the mod.
v0.408: Added MotionBluriness and Brightness parameters to rain and changed it code to make it less flat looking.
v0.406: Increased quality of the sun rays. Fixed subsurface scattering of characters when in cloud shadows. Increased maximal amount of cloud shadows to tweak effect without touching opacity of real clouds.
v0.401: Added color filter for volumetric fog and directional skylighting effect mode.
v0.396: Added enbunderwater.fx external shader to apply various distortions. Added DisableGameDOF parameter to enblocal.ini.
v0.395: Added underwater caustics effect, which require ENBHelperSE.dll plugin installed.
v0.394: Added sun rays effect similar to old Skyrim version. Fixed flickering when weather changes if multiple weather system is enabled. Added code to skip processing of inventory objects.
v0.390: Added compatibility with latest game patch. Increased maximal number of techniques in external shaders.
v0.386: Added unhandled water shader which to allow mods like Realistic Water Two to mix different water types. Removed dependency of game wave amplitude on to tessellation, because it is not controllable by the game anyway.
v0.383: Fixed incompatibility with some presets by forcing day and night exterior values for interiors. Added wind blow particles for snowy places to [particle] category with lighting influence. Modified water shader for underwater side of surface.
v0.381: Added tessellation displacement for some water types and water temporal antialiasing. Added fresnel for water and disabling far distance reflection of the game. Added range factor for game volumetric rays. Fixed issue when water do not receive volumetric rays. Added LightingInfluence parameter for some particles.
v0.380: Added ColorPow parameter. Removed fake specular from water and added mudness parameter.
v0.379: Added displacement, parallax, sun scattering effects for some waters.
v0.378: Added water caustic and dispersion effects.
v0.376: Added grass parameters to control instanced grass objects.
v0.374: Added expernal enbsunsprite.fx shader similar to old Skyrim mod version. Added interior setting for subsurface scattering effect.
v0.373: Added volumetric sun rays same as in old Skyrim version of the mod, renamed previous volumetric rays category to [GAMEVOLUMETRICRAYS]
v0.372: Added detailed shadow effect for sun.
v0.371: Added multiple weather support, which require SKSE plugin from here
v0.370: Added fix of specular for characters. Added normal map and sun direction to prepass shader.
v0.368: Added distant shadows. Scaled clouds shadow to make them applied to distant mountains similar like in old skyrim mod. Fixed clouds shadow applied to subsurface scattering.
v0.365: Added shadows for complex particle and fire lights. Please be careful with enabling these effects, because performance can degrade dramatically when many particles are spawned.
v0.363: Many internal fixes for better quality similar to old skyrim. This includes subsurface scattering blending, clouds shadow, ssao/ssil. Removed dots on snow and black bug on the snow when snow shader enabled in game video options and lighting intensity is big.
v0.362: Added complex particle and fire lights and skin specular effects.
v0.356: Added enbeffectprepass.fx shader which is similar to post pass, but executed before enbdepthoffield.fx shader.
v0.352: Added skylighting effect. Added new type of ssao/ssil effect and increased it's performance and quality of it's filter.
v0.347: Added shader caching to "enbcache" folder to reduce startup time. Can be turned off in enblocal.ini. Cache is regenerated on any changes made to enblocal.ini or enbseries.ini. Do not share cache folder with presets.
v0.345: Added point light parameters to [ENVIRONMENT] category and game screen space reflection parameters. Fixed subsurface scattering bugs, game water bug, decreased startup time.
v0.342: Added subsurface scattering same as in mod for old Skyrim. Increased performance. Some minor bugfixes.
v0.341: Fixed game shaders to remove limitation of ldr, i didn't notice earlier that game is forcing ldr. Changed code of animated stars, they use alpha channel to detect stars, with new parameters fixing incompatibility with custom textures of stars and galaxy.
v0.338: Added clouds edge parameters for [SKY] category from old Skyrim mod. Implemented backward compatibility of all external shaders with VR optimized versions of them which will be created in future via handling DynamicScaling parameter.
v0.334: Increased performance in places with many objects visible in camera. Added EnableDenosier parameter to ssao category, similar to old Skyrim mod. Added edge antialiasing and two dithering types to enblocal.ini, removed dithering parameter from enbseries.ini.
v0.331: Added DisableFakeLights parameter to enblocal.ini for switching on/off character light. Added game ssao parameters for tweaking its amount and make it colorful. Some bug fixes.
v0.330: Added image based lighting effect from old Skyrim mod, fixed bug with clouds transition. Disabled mod when Creation Kit is running. Added specular parameters for VEGETATION, EYE, OBJECT categories and improved separation of such objects similar to old Skyrim mod.
v0.329: Added cloud shadows effect in its simplest form, few extra fog parameters and rain refraction factor.
v0.328: Added parameters for game volumetric rays, underwater and procedural sun.
v0.327: Added specular parameters to environment category and rain replacement. Tga rain drops no longer supported, only dds, png and bmp. Added depth of field toggle hotkey.
v0.325: Added ssao/ssil effect. Original by the game is untouched.
v0.324: Added fix for reflection of trees in water as FixReflectionTrees parameter in enblocal.ini. Added WINDOWLIGHT, LIGHTSPRITE, VOLUMETRICFOG, FIRE, PARTICLE parameters which mostly similar to old Skyrim version, but not all objects yet handled and I'll keep searching for missed.
v0.312: Added directional light parameters, aurora borealis, stars, clouds, sky gradient parameters. Some compatibility fix for old AMD videocards.
v0.310: Added time of the day, interior and exterior detection. Fixed bug with not worked adaptation.
v0.309: First version for this game. Made all post processing shaders similar or equal to mod for Fallout 4. Time of the day, interior and exterior separation, weather system are not available yet. This version is mostly to remove original game post processing by replacing it with custom from enbeffect.fx shader (untweaked, most code from old Skyrim mod) or ReShade/SweetFX.